
yīn yuè xué
  • musicology
  1. 论文集《音乐学与表演》(MusicologyandPerformance)收集了保罗·亨利·朗一生中未编成集的文章,以及他在晚年计划撰写的一部关于表演实践的著作中的一些章节。

    " Musicology and Performance " is a collection of essays by Paul Henry Lang , which have not been included in other collections of his works . This collection also includes some chapters of a book about the performance practices which he intended to write later in his life .

  2. 阿多诺(TheodorW.Adorno.1903-1969)是德国法兰克福学派的重要思想家,在哲学、美学、社会学、音乐学、文学批评等方面均有不俗造诣。

    Theodor W. Adorno ( 1903-1969 ) was a significant thinker of the German Frankfurt School of social theory . He was much established in many fields such as philosophy , aesthetics , sociology , musicology and literature studies .

  3. 民族音乐学中的社会性别研究&一个新颖独特却依旧边缘的研究视角

    Gender Research in Ethnomusicology : A New but Still Marginal Angle

  4. 西方全球化学术思潮评析当代西方音乐学的学术走向

    A Review of Scholastic Trend of Globalization in the West

  5. 一次全方位的学术回顾与反思&“中国当代音乐学研究论坛”会议综述

    Retrospect and Reflection - Forum on Contemporary Musicology in Chian

  6. 高师音乐学专业课程体系改革探索

    The Reform of Music Education Curriculum System for Normal Universities

  7. 近五年来中国民族音乐学研究综述

    A Summary of Ethnomusicology in China in Recent 5 years

  8. 上编第二章是杂曲歌辞的音乐学研究。

    The study of this chapter is on the bases of individuals .

  9. 成人高校开设应用音乐学专业可行性研究

    Feasibility Study on Offering Applied Musicology Course in Adult College

  10. 目前对铜铙的研究主要在考古学领域及音乐学领域。

    At present Nao is often studied in archeology and Musicology field .

  11. 改革开放与中国当代音乐学高层论坛综述

    Summarize the Top Forum of Reform and Opening with Contemporary Musicology in China

  12. 强调学术规范是为了体现音乐学研究的“学术可信度”;

    To enforce the academic norm is for academic reliability of musicological research .

  13. 音乐学研究的新视角&《音乐学:历史、文献与写作》一书读后

    Book Review Musicology & History , Writing and Literature

  14. 《中国音乐学》脚注、书目样式

    Sample of Footnotes & Bibliography of Musicology in China

  15. 走向21世纪的中国音乐学&中青年音乐学家笔会专栏站在世纪之界的后顾与前瞻

    China 's Musicology Heading for 21st Century Forum of Young and Middle-aged Music Theorists

  16. 本文对他的两首新疆舞曲作了音乐学的分析。

    The paper analyzes two of his Xinjiang dances from the perspective of musicology .

  17. 民族音乐学理论的实践层面

    The Dimension of Practice for the Ethnomusicological Theories

  18. 关于高师音乐学专业实施双语教学的几点思考

    Pondering Some Issues on Bilingual Teaching for Musicology Major in Institutions of Higher Education

  19. 音乐学研究的新视野&《艺术中的音乐》论文集简评

    Review on the Collected Papers Music in Art

  20. 民族音乐学发展至今,其研究领域以及研究方法都发生了很大的变化。

    With its development , the research field and methodology has changed a lot .

  21. 民族音乐学视野中的乐器研究

    Ethnic Instrumental Studies from the View of Ethnomusicology

  22. 译著《民族音乐学研究:31个论题和概念》及书评

    The Study of Ethnomusicology : Thirty-one Issues and Concepts Translation with a Book Review

  23. 高师音乐学钢琴课互动学习模式的教学设计及其探讨

    The Design of Interactive Learning Mode for Piano Teaching at Music Departments of Normal Colleges

  24. 他们是贵州的民族音乐学时期得以到来的两个基本条件。

    They indicate two basic conditions for the era of Guizhou " National Musicology " .

  25. 有关音乐学事业可持续发展的思考

    Reflections on the Sustainable Development of Musicology

  26. 所以这篇论文也将为中国音乐学界更好地了解越南音乐,提供一些借鉴和帮助。

    Therefore , the thesis helps Chinese musical researchers have deeper understanding about Vietnamese music .

  27. 收获昨天把握当代展望未来&《中国音乐学》创刊20周年暨学术研讨会综述

    Gain , Grasp and Prospect : Summary of the Conference for Chinese Musicology Vicennial Anniversary

  28. 从艺术学和音乐学角度着眼,音乐的功能的系统可分为审美功能和非审美功能。

    Form artistic study and musicology angles , musical function system include aesthetic and unaesthetic .

  29. 在加拿大萨斯卡彻温大学获音乐学硕士学位。

    Xu Xiaoping received a master degree in Music from University of Saskatchewan in Canada .

  30. 新课程背景下地方高校音乐学专业课程改革初探

    A Discussion on Curriculum Reform for Music-major in Local Universities under the Background of New Curriculum