
tāo lüè
  • military strategy
韬略 [tāo lüè]
  • [military strategy] 由古兵书《六韬》、《三略》引申而来,指计策、谋略

  • 此人胸怀韬略,腹引机谋。--《三国演义》

韬略[tāo lüè]
  1. 中央苏区红军反围剿胜利的非凡韬略

    The Extraordinary Military Strategy of the Red Army of the Central Soviet Area in the Victories of Counter-encirclement Campaigns

  2. 韬略与襟怀&《孙子兵法》中的管理思想探析日本语怀石含有两重意义,怀是指和服的胸襟,而石则是石头。

    Military Strategy and Mind Explore the Thought of Management in Sun Zi Warcraft " Kaiseki " is a combination of two words ," kai " which refers to the bottom of the kimono , and " seki " meaning stone .

  3. 学武的儿子到了楚国,向楚王讲述了自己的韬略,楚王高兴地请他留下来协助治理军事与政治。

    The son who studied martial arts went to the State of Chu to tell the King of Chu his own military strategies . The King of Chu gladly asked him to stay to help administer military and political affairs .

  4. 翁万达的军旅生涯和典边韬略

    WENG Wanda 's military career and frontier-governing strategy

  5. 姜太公字子牙,是中国古代的一位影响久远的杰出的韬略家、军事家和政治家。

    Jiang Taigong is a popular name for Jiang Ziya , statesman and strategist .

  6. 广告与促销韬略

    Strategy of Advertising and Promotion

  7. 学武的儿子到了楚国,向楚王讲述了自己的韬略。

    The son who studied martial arts went to the State of Chu to tell the King of Chu his own military strategies .