
  1. 一些报纸称,这份日记是韩峰一名情人的丈夫为寻求报复而张贴到网上的。

    Some newspaper accounts claim the diary was posted by the revenge-seeking husband of one of Han 's lovers .

  2. 但从国有媒体所引政府官员的话看,他们似乎证实了日记所记内容的准确性。这些媒体还说,韩峰已停职接受调查。

    But state media quoted officials appearing to confirm the accuracy of the diary 's accounts and said that Han was suspended from his job pending investigation .

  3. 开城工业园区是2000年具有历史意义的南北韩峰会上取得的主要成果之一,这次峰会使得南北韩双方的经济合作进一步提高。

    The Kaesong industrial zone is one of the main fruits of a historic inter-Korean summit in2000 , which led to enhanced economic cooperation between the two sides .

  4. 目前尚不清楚被人发布到网上的这份日记是否真为广西壮族自治区烟草专卖局官员韩峰所写。

    It 's unclear if the posting really represents the writings of Han Feng , who worked in the tobacco monopoly bureau in southern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region .

  5. 在朝韩峰会上,两位领导人没有详细说明举办奥运会的具体城市,也没有说明后续计划和进展。

    At a major summit , the two leaders gave no details of which cities might host certain events at the games , or how advanced the plans were .

  6. 韩佳,梅峰上面有什么?

    Han Jia , what 's on the Plum Peak ?

  7. 韩佳,梅峰上面有什么?干吗非得上去?

    Han Jia , what 's on the Plum Peak ? Why do we have to climb it ?