
  • 网络flushed face;flush face;tidal reddening of the face
  1. 部分阴性病例如在注射时立即出现头晕、面色潮红等症状,应高度怀疑为静脉性ED。

    Dizziness or flushing after ICI may highly regarded as having vascular ED.

  2. TT组脱发程度较重,伴有关节肌肉疼痛,神经毒性及面色潮红等毒性反应,但程度较轻,可以耐受。

    But alopecia was more severe , and arthralgia , myalgia , neurotoxicity and flushing of face were the unique features of the TT regimen .

  3. 美国癌症研究协会举办的会议上发表的这些研究使得激素替代治疗(HRT)的争论更加复杂,HRT过去主要用于减轻绝经患者的面色潮红和失眠等症状。

    The studies presented at a meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research further complicate the debate about HRT , used to relieve the effects of menopause including hot flashes and insomnia .

  4. 主要不良反应为白细胞下降、关节肌肉痛、神经毒性、胃肠道反应、脱发和面色潮红,均可耐受。

    The major toxicities , including leukopenia , arthralgia , myalgia , neurotoxicity , gastroenteric reactions , alopecia , and flushing of face , were well tolerable .