
fēi jiē chù yǎn yā jì
  • non-contact tonometer
  1. LASIK术后修氏和非接触眼压计测量结果的比较

    Comparing of the Measurement Results with Schiotz Tonometer and Non-contact Tonometer after LASIK

  2. 非接触眼压计及Schiotz眼压计测量的高眼压症与角膜厚度

    Corneal thickness in ocular hypertension by noncontact tonometry and Schiotz tonometer

  3. 结论在人群中非接触眼压计测得的眼压正常值范围与Goldmann压平眼压计正常值10~21mmHg非常近似。

    Conclusion The normal IOP range with non-contact tonometry in general population is near to that with Goldmann applanation tonometry with the value about 10-21 mmHg .

  4. 结论:手持非接触眼压计同Goldmann压平眼压计相比具有同样的精确性和可靠性,可用于青光眼临床和青光眼筛选。

    Conclusion : The handheld non-contact tonometer has the same accuracy and reliability of measurement of intraocular pressure comparing with Goldmann applanation tonometer , and it can be used in glaucoma clinic and screening .

  5. 方法:分别采用keeler,手持非接触眼压计和R900,Goldmann压平眼压计对58例患者(113只眼)的限内压进行了测量并对两种测量方法的测量结果进行了比较。

    Method : 58 patients ' ( 113 eyes ) intraocular pressure were measured by Keeler , non-contact tonometer and R 900 Goldmann applanation tonometer and the results of measurement of intraocular pressure by the two kinds of tonometers were compared .

  6. 非接触眼压计正常眼压测定的探讨

    The Examination of Normal Intraocular pressure with Non & contact Tonometer

  7. 手持式非接触眼压计测量值准确性的比较

    Evaluation of Accuracy of Measuring Intraocular Pressure by Handheld Non-contact Applanation Tonometer

  8. 非接触眼压计测量暗适应下瞳孔直径

    The measurement of scotopic pupil diameter with noncontact tonometer

  9. 非接触眼压计在健康检查中对高眼压的筛查

    Ocular hypertension measured with non-contact tonometer in physical examination

  10. 非接触眼压计测量兔眼压的研究

    Measuring Intraocular Pressure with Noncontact Tonometer in Rabbits

  11. 非接触眼压计的测量值探讨

    The lowest value of non-contact tonometer being reliable

  12. (2组)用非接触眼压计测得之高眼压者30例(60只眼);

    30 cases ( 60 eyes ) with ocular hypertension were measured by noncontact tonometry .

  13. 目的:对手持式非接触眼压计测量眼压的准确性及可靠性进行评价。

    Purpose : To evaluate the accuracy of measuring intraocular pressure by handheld non-contact applanation tonometer .

  14. 激光干涉式非接触眼压计中电信号处理与控制系统研究

    Research on Electronic Signal Processing and Control System of the Non-contact IOP Measuring Instrument Based on Interferential Laser

  15. 目的讨论角膜中央厚度对非接触眼压计测量值的影响。

    Objective To research the influence of central corneal thickness on the measurements of IOP obtained with NCT .

  16. 动态轮廓眼压计与非接触眼压计在正常青年人坐位眼压昼夜波动趋势的研究

    Research on dynamic contour tonometer and non-contact tonometer intraocular pressure in normal young people sitting day and night fluctuations trend

  17. LASIK术后非接触式眼压计测量值的变化

    The study on the changes of NCT measured intraocular pressure before and after LASIK 3-dimensional non-contact digitizing technology

  18. 方法用非接触性眼压计(NIDC)检测学生做健眼操前后眼压的变化。

    MethodsThe students ocular tension changes were detected with noncontact tonometer ( NIDC ) before and after ocular exercise done .

  19. 角膜形态学因素对非接触式眼压计测量值的影响

    Effect of corneal topographic characteristics on intraocular pressure measured by uncontact tonometer

  20. 分别于麻醉前、麻醉后、麻醉后5分钟及10分钟用非接触式眼压计测量眼压。

    Intraocular pressure was measured before , immediately after , and 5 and 10 minutes after anesthesia by non contact tonometer .