
  • 网络The song of Youth
  1. 论《青春之歌》的成长叙事策略与红色青春想像

    Study on Narrative Techniques about Growth and Youth Imagination of " the Song of Youth "

  2. 杨沫的《青春之歌》是20世纪中国50年代的一部红色经典,陈染的《私人生活》是90年代的一部个人化写作的范本。

    The Song of Youth by Yang Mo is a " red " classic in the 1950s and Private Life by Chen Ran is a specimen of individualized writing in the 1990s .

  3. 再解读:《青春之歌》的革命叙事

    Re-understanding the Revolutionary Narration in " The Song of Youth "

  4. 《青春之歌》是17年时期红色经典之一。

    " Song of youth " is one of revolutionary classics .

  5. 《青春之歌》:爱情话语和政治话语

    Song of Youth : The Discourse of Love and Political Discourse

  6. 革命:作为女性写作的《青春之歌》

    " Revolution ": Song of Youth as Female Writing ;

  7. 身体书写&《青春之歌》的跨媒介研究

    Body Writing : A Cross-media Study of " Song of Youth "

  8. 共奏一支飞扬的青春之歌!

    Playing a youth song upward-flowing !

  9. 重建历史叙事:从复杂到纯粹&以《青春之歌》《红岩》为例

    Rebuilding Historical Narration : from Complexity to Purity Taking Song of Youth and Red Cliff as examples

  10. 在爱中,为学生谱写出亮丽的青春之歌。

    The school presents a brilliant song of youth to the foreign students living in the love-radiant atmosphere .

  11. 《青春之歌》以其文本复杂性在当代文坛出场,引起了巨大轰动。

    Song of youth caused a great sensation when it came onto the literary scene because of the complexity of its text .

  12. 《青春之歌》、《风暴》、《林则徐》等电影的出版发行标志着中国电影制作发展到了一个新的水平。

    The following movies The Song of Youth , The Storm and Lin Zexu Which showed that Chinese movies had reached a new level .

  13. 它集中在《祝福》、《青春之歌》和《林海雪原》三个范例分析上,分别从政治、历史和战争三个角度来考察改编策略。

    It is mainly concentrated in the three examples of " Blessing ", " Song of Youth " and " Lin Hai Xue Yuan " .

  14. 个人记忆与宏大叙事的巧妙缝合&论《青春之歌》叙事处理之特定时代的成功因素

    Marvelous Combination of Personal Memory and Grand Narrative : On the Successful Factors of the Narrative Treatment of The Song of Youth in the Specific Times

  15. 第二部分:以《青春之歌》的成功为个案,剖析其背后隐藏着的形成知识分子人格缺陷的多种原因;

    The second part : using " the success " of the song of youth as a case , analyze the reasons which cause the character defects of intellectuals ;

  16. 解放战争时期轰动中外的安平事件即发生在香河,长篇小说《青春之歌》的创作原型即源自香河。

    During the War of Liberation of sensation and foreign events that took place in Anping Xianghe , full-length novel ," Song of Youth " that is derived from the creation Xianghe prototype .

  17. 即使我已是一名心灵手巧的工匠,我仍需精益求精,制作更精美的风铃,让风铃随风轻舞,唱响青春之歌!

    Even if I have been a craftsman with masterly skills , I still need to keep improving to make the windbells more artistic and dance to the rhythm of the wind , playing the youth song aloud !

  18. 在中国20世纪50-60年代的政治语境中,《青春之歌》一方面认同了主流意识形态,在文本中建立了以革命与阶级斗争为主导话语的等级秩序;

    In the political linguistic context during the 1950s and 1960s of China , The Song of Youth identifies with the dominant ideology on the one hand , establishing in the text a hierarchical order which gives priority to revolution and class struggles .

  19. 《青春之歌》展现了个体生命如何在革命理想的引导下实现其社会价值;《红旗谱》反映了农民个体如何在革命信念的确立过程中实现其精神觉醒。

    Song of Youth shows how the lives of individuals in the revolution under the guidance of an ideal to achieve its social values ; Red Flag reflects how the individual farmers in the establishment of a revolutionary belief in the process of the realization of their spiritual awakening .