
  • 网络Young China
  1. 欢迎更多巴基斯坦青年来中国访问和学习。

    We would like to see more Pakistani young people visiting and studying in China .

  2. 李勤女青年画家中国美术家协会四川分会会员,画院专职画师。

    Li Qin , young female painter , a member of the Chinese Artist Association Sichuan Branch , is a professional painter .

  3. 所谓文艺青年是中国一群有见识的年轻人,他们推崇追求艺术和精神的生活方式。

    The literary youth are a group of knowledgeable , young Chinese people who like to embrace an artistic and spiritual way of life .

  4. 青年是中国近代以来推动社会变革的重要力量,是最富活力的社会群体,争取到青年就是争取到未来。

    The youth is an important force for social change since the modern times of China and Is the most vibrant social groups , so , who can have the support of youth is to win the future .

  5. 为了让澳门青年了解中国国防,首届澳门青年学生军事夏令营活动3日在驻澳门部队珠海基地开营。

    In order to provide the young people in Macau with opportunities to know about China 's national defense , the 1st Macau Military Camp for young students started on August 3rd at the Zhuhai Base of the PLA Garrison in Macau .

  6. 第二届U-19亚洲青年女足锦标赛中国队与韩国队攻防技战术的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Offensive and Defensive Techniques and Tactics between Chinese team And Korean team in 2nd Asian U-19 Young Women Football Championship

  7. 通过对第2届亚洲U-19青年女足锦标赛中国、朝鲜、日本、韩国4队技战术进行比较与分析,揭示中、朝、日、韩4国青年女足技战术的特征及中国青年女足的差距。

    Through comparative analysis on technical and tactical data among Chinese , DPRK , Japanese and Suth Korean four teams in 2nd U-19 Asian Women 's Football Championship , the author analysed their common characteristics and the reason of lugging of Chinese team .

  8. 论国际青年旅馆在中国的发展方向

    On the Developing Orientation of the International Youth Hotels in China

  9. 从人民日报、经济日报、中国青年报、中国消费者报、《新闻战线》、《中国记者》等报刊杂志中获取了许多有价值的资料。

    Obtaining the valuable information from People 's Daily and China Journalist .

  10. 中华基督教青年会与中国近代教育

    Chinese Young Men 's Christian Association and the Education of Modern China

  11. 国际青年旅馆在中国发展中的问题与对策研究

    International Youth Hostels and Their Development in China : Problems and Countermeasures

  12. 基督教青年会在中国的体育活动及其影响

    Sports activities of Young Men 's Christian Association in China and its influence

  13. 青年旅舍在中国:现状与前景

    Youth Hostel in China : Present Situation and Prospect

  14. 青年旅舍在中国的市场机会浅析

    The Market Opportunities for the Youth Hotel in China

  15. 《新青年》是中国最为重要的现代期刊之一,它使得中国文学在五四时期发生巨大变化。

    Is the most important journal of modern Chinese .

  16. 《新青年》:中国编辑出版史上的一座丰碑

    The New Youth : a Milestone in the Chinese Publishing and Editorial History

  17. 《新青年》与中国早期女性主义翻译

    La Jeunesse and the Early Feminist Translation in China

  18. 权宜建筑&青年建筑师与中国策略

    Expedient Architecture : Young Architects and Chinese Tactics

  19. 11届世界青年田径锦标赛中国队成绩特征分析

    An Analysis of Characteristics of Results of Chinese Team in the World Junior Athletic Championships

  20. 现代传媒视野下的《新青年》与中国现代文学生产

    " New Youth " and Modern Chinese Literature Production under the Visual Field of Modern Media

  21. 桂林实力、苦学派青年画家、中国一级美术师。

    He is one of painters who have strength and learn very hard , is also standard artist .

  22. 80年代,那些文艺青年开始引导中国走向更富创造性的经济。

    During the 1980s , " literary and artistic " youth began ushering China toward a more creative economy .

  23. 成群的法国青年甚至抢夺中国留学生手中的五星红旗,当众撕碎,并殴打中国留学生;

    Groups of young men even scrambled the Chinese students'Five-star flags and tore them up , two sides in conflict .

  24. 作为五四时期新兴的杂志,《新青年》为中国知识分子的思想阐发、观点交锋以及创作交流提供了良好的平台。

    As a rising magazine , it provides the Chinese intellectuals a good place for exchanging thoughts and creative ideas .

  25. 探讨《新青年》与中国新文学的关系,从文学性视角切入至关重要。

    To review the relationship between New Youth and Chinese literature , it is very important to discuss from the literary perspective .

  26. 通过问卷调查与文献研究等方法对青年旅舍在中国的发展历程、发展现状以及发展前景作一些探讨。

    The paper , with the methods of questionnaire and document research , analyzes the present situation and prospect of the youth hostel .

  27. 从早期被定位为科普少儿读物,到今天拥有一批青年读者,中国科幻小说正在走向繁荣。

    From being treated as popular science reading matter for children to possess a large group of young readers , Chinese science fiction is thriving .

  28. 指出争取民族的独立和解放,是包括中国青年在内的中国人民的不懈追求。

    Pointing out that it is the untiring pursuit of the Chinese people including the Chinese youth to strive for the national independence and liberation .

  29. 杨柳青年画在中国木版年画中一枝独秀,然而人们很难将其和新疆地区少数民族艺术联系起来。

    New Year pictures in China Yangliuqing board to outshine others , but it is difficult to minorities and the Xinjiang region to link the arts .

  30. 基督教青年会在中国体育系统中一直起着重要作用,由于许多体育界的领导人都是青年会培养出来的,所以一直到最近还能感受到它的影响。

    The YMCA continued to play a major role in China 's sport system , and its influence was still being felt until recently since many sports leaders were YMCA-trained .