
léi fēng
  • Lei Feng
雷锋 [léi fēng]
  • [Lei Feng] (1940-1962) 中国湖南省望城县人,出身贫苦,七岁成了孤儿。1949年建国后,被政府送入学校读书,1957年加入中国共产主义青年团。1960年参加人民解放军。1960年11月加入中国共产党,并被推选为抚顺市人民代表,大公无私,乐于助人,1962年8月15日因公殉职,1963年1月7日国防部将他生前所在班命名为雷锋班。1963年3月5日毛泽东主席亲笔题词向雷锋同志学习

雷锋[léi fēng]
  1. 他是一个雷锋式的人物。

    He is a man of Lei Feng type .

  2. 少先队员说道:“我们要向雷锋叔叔学习。”

    “ We must learn from Uncle Lei Feng ,” said the Young Pioneer .

  3. 雷锋一向节省,这笔钱是他从津贴中省下来的。

    Lei Feng , always thrifty , had saved this sum from his allowances .

  4. 雷锋在中国家喻户晓。

    The name of Lei Feng is a household word in china .

  5. 每个孩子都讲了他学习(雷锋)的收获。

    Each child described what he or she had learnt ( from Lei feng ) .

  6. 他们都把他比作雷锋。

    They all compared him to leifeng .

  7. 出席。:唇吻派对。:在…之中流传。比如:雷锋精神一直为中国人民广泛传颂。lipservice口惠,空口的应酬话,口头上说得好听的话。

    make an appearance kiss on the lips party on the lips of Lei Feng 's spirit has always been on the lips of the Chinese people .

  8. 我们制定了一个像雷锋学习的计划。

    We have made a plan to learn from Lei Feng .

  9. 论雷锋精神的结构、特点和意义

    About the structure , features and meaning of Lei Feng Spirit

  10. 在雷锋事迹的影响下,他们做了许多好事。

    Influenced by Lei Feng , they performed countless good deeds .

  11. 雷锋同志给我们大家树立了一个光辉的榜样。

    Comrade Lei Feng sets a glowing example to us all .

  12. 雷锋精神鲜明的时代价值

    Distinctive Value of the Day of the Spirit of Lei Feng

  13. 小学儿童学习雷锋榜样的心理分析

    Psychological analyses of elementary school children in learning from Lei Feng

  14. 雷锋童年的遭遇决定了他鲜明的阶级立场。

    Lei Feng 's childhood experiences determined his clearcut class stand .

  15. 今天是学习雷锋同志纪念日。

    Today is the memorial day of learning from Leifeng .

  16. 我们把他当做活雷锋。

    We all regard him as a living Lei Feng .

  17. 论弘扬雷锋精神的时代内涵

    On the Epoch Connotation of Carrying Forward the Spirit of Lei Feng

  18. 雷锋同志总是乐意帮助别人。

    Comrade Lei Feng is always ready to help others .

  19. 在童年时,我就听到很多关于雷锋的故事。(省略物主代词my)

    In my childhood , I heard a lot about Lei Feng .

  20. 我知道雷锋的事迹,但是我不认识雷锋。

    I know of Lei Feng but I don 't know him .

  21. 雷锋同志总是想出许多办法帮助别人。

    Comrade Lei Feng always thought about many ways to help others .

  22. 妈妈常给我讲有关雷锋的故事。

    My mother often tells me stories about Lei Feng .

  23. 雷锋精神与当代革命军人核心价值观

    Lei Feng Spirit and Contemporary Revolutionary Soldiers ' Core Values

  24. 我们要象雷锋同志一样全心全意为人民服务。

    We must serve the people whole-heartedly as Comrade Lei Feng did .

  25. 每一次想起雷锋,就想起这一段话。

    Lei Feng , every thought , to think of this passage .

  26. 向雷锋学习主题队会到此结束!

    The theme team knows to study from Lei Feng is over !

  27. 雷锋同志的英雄形象铭刻在我们心中。

    Comrade Lei Feng 's heroic image is stamped in our memory .

  28. 雷锋同志是党培养起来的。

    Comrade Lei Feng was brought up by the Party .

  29. 雷锋是人民的好战士。

    Lei Feng was a good fighter of the people .

  30. 雷锋同志做了一生的好雷锋同志做了一生的好事。

    Comrade Lei Feng did good deeds all his life .