
  1. 在谁拥有海洋谁就拥有世界的当今,真正继承和发扬海上丝绸之路的精神,应是发展雷州文化的应有之义、必由之路。

    Today , in order to develop Leizhou Culture , we should probe and inherit the real spirit of the " Sea Silk Road " .

  2. 作为一种区域文化的雷州文化,是在雷州这一特定环境中生成的,可以分为雷州得名之前和雷州得名之后两个时期。

    As a regional culture , Leizhou culture is generated in this particular environment , which can be divided into two periods : before and after Leizhou was named .

  3. 在这两大时段雷州文化研究中,人的研究是基础,即对雷州族群、雷州民系、雷州人个案的研究。

    In these two periods , human-oriented research is the foundation of Leizhou culture studies which include the study of Leizhou groups , Leizhou public system , and case study of Leizhou individuals .

  4. 雷州半岛非物质文化遗产之民族传统体育的研究

    Research on Traditional Sports Culture of National Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Leizhou Peninsula

  5. “海上丝绸之路”肇始于雷州半岛等地古越人文化和南越、西汉的外贸方略,而“海上丝绸之路”又为雷州文化的产生创造了条件。

    The " Sea Silk Road " originated from the Ancient Yue Peoples culture and created the precondition for the birth of Leizhou culture .