
  • Reay【英格兰人姓氏】&L【Rye】↑『1,2』的变体
  1. 缺乏良好的教育并没有挡住雷伊。

    The lack of a decent education did not defeat Rey .

  2. 首位年度人物得主是一位不太出名的欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)主席——让雷伊(JeanRey)。

    The first holder of the title was Jean Rey , an unmemorable president of the European Commission .

  3. 亿万富翁基金经理雷伊o戴利奥(RayDalio)表示,降息不是解决目前信贷市场动荡问题的方法。戴利奥是最近数月为美国联邦储备委员会(FederalReserve)提供建议的专家之一。

    Ray Dalio , the billionaire fund manager who was among the experts to advise the US Federal Reserve in recent months , has said interest rate cuts are not the solution to the turmoil in the credit markets .

  4. 但是,这种描述并非来自傲慢的西方人,而是出自印度最著名的导演萨蒂亚吉特•雷伊(SatyajitRay)之口。上世纪50年代,雷伊帮助造就了“并行电影”(ParallelCinema)运动,该运动带来的精美作品赢得了全球的尊重。

    But that very quote comes not from a patronising westerner , but from India 's own Satyajit Ray , the country 's most distinguished director , who helped to form a " parallel cinema " movement in the 1950s that produced beautifully crafted works that found respect all over the globe .

  5. 雷伊骗取我的财物。

    Ray finagled me out of my property .

  6. 雷伊认为阿比出于某种他不知道的原因不愿说出实情。

    Ray thinks Abby is being coy for some reason he doesn 't understand .

  7. 他说,雷伊可能甚至不知道那一天了。

    He said that Rey probably didn 't even know what day it was .

  8. 现代艺术博物馆正在举办雷伊全部作品的回顾展。

    The Museum of modern art is presenting a complete retrospective of ray 's work .

  9. 我有你邻居的名单,雷伊杰考及他女儿阿曼达。

    I have a listing for your neighbor , ray jacobs , and his daughter amanda .

  10. 很多人都忽略了雷伊在讲述孟加拉一农家故事时的精湛艺术技巧。

    Many people overlooked the exquisite artistry in ray 's story of a rural Bengali family .

  11. 雷伊为人性格快活。

    Ray has a happy personality .

  12. 卡尔米-雷伊女士说,瑞士人民担心他们的身份可能在欧盟中“消除”。

    Swiss people fear their identity might " dissolve " in the EU , says Ms Calmy-Rey .

  13. 西蒙斯与佩里和雷伊一样,也是“大学之峰”组织的受益者,他说,他因此学会了自信。

    Simmons , the third student who took advantage of College Summit , said it taught him self-confidence .

  14. 歌说,在所有的殴打雷伊已经忍受了,他没看过这么好。

    JBL said that after all of the beatings Rey had endured , he didn 't look so well .

  15. 雷伊回到酒吧,打开保险箱,发现了那张伪造的他和阿比死亡的照片。

    Ray returns to the bar , opens the safe and finds the faked photo showing him and Abby apparently dead .

  16. 由于中学成绩优秀,加上参加了学校多项学生活动,雷伊获得苏拉茨基金会提供的奖学金。

    Because of her high grades and many student activities in high school , Ray received a scholarship from the Surratts Foundation .

  17. 惊慌失措中,雷伊把车开到一块农田的中间,挖了一个坑,把马蒂扔进去活埋了。

    Panicking , Ray drives to the middle of a field , digs a hole and throws Marty in , burying him alive .

  18. 当天晚上阿比回到公寓时,她打开电灯,发现雷伊正从一个大窗户向外看。

    When Abby arrives at her apartment that night , she turns on the lights and finds Ray looking out a large window .

  19. 与此同时,维瑟在自己的公寓正在烧毁“被谋杀”的阿比和雷伊的照片拷贝,发现其中的一张找不到了。

    Meanwhile , at his apartment , Visser burns the doctored copies of the photograph of the " murdered " Abby and Ray , and realizes one is missing .

  20. 他割耳后在医院里得知自己的行为后感到很羞愧,立即让雷伊医生进行处理。

    In the hospital after the ear episode , he was ashamed to learn what he had done , and immediately put himself in the care of Dr. Rey .

  21. 雷伊打断阿比并告诉她,酒吧里的枪是她的,说最近自己寝食不安,而且马蒂还活着时他就把他埋葬了。

    Ray interrupts and tells her it was her gun at the bar , that he can 't eat or sleep lately , and that Marty was alive when he buried him .

  22. 雷伊说:“大学之峰组织教我怎样尽早开始申请。”她也是苏拉茨维尔高中的毕业生,眼下在马里兰州的陶森大学就读,希望主修药剂学。

    " College Summit taught me to start early with my application ," said Ray , a Surrattsville graduate who is attending Towson University in Towson , Maryland , and hopes to major in pharmacy .

  23. 回到公寓,阿比认为是因为马蒂拒绝支付雷伊的工资,雷伊就到酒吧破门而入要自己的钱,并与马蒂打了起来。

    Returning to the apartment , Abby thinks that Marty refused to pay Ray , that Ray broke into the bar to get his money , and that the two of them got into a fight .

  24. 雷伊的信以及梵高割下的耳朵的草图,将与这位艺术家给雷伊画的肖像并置展示。那幅肖像是1889年1月梵高为了感谢这位医生而创作并赠送给他的。

    Dr. Rey 's letter and drawing of van Gogh 's severed ear will be displayed next to the artist 's portrait of Dr. Rey , painted in January 1889 and given to the doctor as thanks for his care .