
  • 网络Reading;redding;radin;reading fc
  1. 雷丁先生的一封信?找以r打头的信件格。

    A letter for Mr redding ? Look in the pigeonhole for'r ' .

  2. 今晚,来自加州雷丁的12岁男孩普雷斯顿·夏普,

    Here tonight is Preston Sharp , a 12-year-old boy from Redding , California ,

  3. 你得在雷丁换乘火车。

    You have to change trains at Reading .

  4. 在雷丁换车。

    Change at Reading .

  5. 我被通知前往雷丁面试。整个过程很有意思。总之,我被录用了。

    I was told to go to Reading for this interview . It was a very amusing affair . Anyhow , I got the job .

  6. 今天,在马尔文和雷丁之间的火车上,一名男子大声打电话的行为打扰到了许多乘客。

    Today , a man talked very loud on his phone on a train between Malvern and Reading , making many passengers upset .

  7. 他是布伦特福德队的防守明星,长期坚持抗击雷丁队的猛攻

    He was Brentford 's defensive star in pluckily holding out the determined Reading raids for long periods .

  8. 来自雷丁大学的演化生物学家、论文联合作者ChrisVenditti博士告诉BBC:

    Co-author Dr Chris Venditti , an evolutionary biologist from the University of Reading , told BBC News :

  9. 卡西米尔·古佐夫斯基(CasimirGuzowski),38岁,宾夕法尼亚州雷丁

    Casimir Guzowski , 38 , Reading , Pa.

  10. 8月29日和30日的雷丁利兹音乐节上,除了“北极猴子”,Radiohead和KingsOfLeon乐队也将大放异彩。

    Arctic Monkeys will headline the festivals alongside Radiohead and Kings Of Leon on29 and30 August .

  11. 布里格斯说,他还曾失去一份为雷丁(Reading)公交车配音的工作邀约,因为当地雇主微软(Microsoft)发现,伴随其雇员上下班的或许将是其竞争对手苹果(Apple)的声音。

    An offer of work to provide the voice for Reading 's bus service was rescinded , he claims , after local employer , Microsoft , discovered that the voice of a competitor , Apple , might be escorting its employees to work .

  12. 不过,他知道今天的EPL和当时有了很大不同。现在的雷丁经理科佩尔也和他有一样的看法。

    However , he acknowledges that the Premier League today is very different to the First Division that he and the current Reading boss knew back then .

  13. 是的,在雷丁大学,他接触到一块植入宠物的ID芯片,举个例子,病毒接触到他的手,接下来他的手又接触了ID系统,很有可能他将电脑病毒从手上传播到了ID系统上。

    That 's right , at the university of reading , he took an ID chip that we put in pets for example , infected with a virus stuck under his hand , and then as he passes his hand over an ID system , he can actually transfer the virus from his hand to another system .

  14. 英国雷丁大学古生物学家ManabuSakamoto博士主导这项研究,他说:“我们没料到是这样的结果。尽管恐龙是由于小行星撞地球而灭绝,但在这之前,即距今约5000万年前,恐龙已经开始走向衰落。”

    Dr Manabu Sakamoto , a palaeontologist from the University of Reading , who led the research , said : " We were not expecting this result . Even though they were wiped out ultimately by the impact of the asteroid , they were actually already on their way out around 50 million years before the asteroid hit . "

  15. 保罗在客场打雷丁和主场战朴次茅斯的比赛中表现一流。

    Paulo was superb away to Reading and at home to Portsmouth .

  16. 切尔西门将皮特。切赫在本赛季早先对阵雷丁时曾经头骨骨折。

    Chelsea goalkeeper Petr cechsuffered a fractured skull earlier this season at reading .

  17. 雷丁大学的科学家们开展了这项研究。

    The study was carried out by scientists at the University of Reading .

  18. 这座城市每年都吸引上百万的旅行者前往,同时它也是华沙、莫斯科、开罗和雷丁的姐妹城市。

    The city is twinned with Warsaw , Moscow , Cairo and Reading .

  19. 雷丁说,法国可能违反了欧盟法律。

    Reding said France may be breaking EU law .

  20. 首届“雷丁纹身大会”在英国伯克郡雷丁市举行。

    The first Reading Tattoo Convention was held in Reading , Berkshire , UK .

  21. 这趟列车在迪德克特和雷丁停车。

    This train calls at Didcot and Reading .

  22. 国王起床后,看到纳斯雷丁精神抖擞,就吃了一惊。

    The king got up and was surprised to see Nasreddin in high sprits .

  23. 离开商船队以后,他驾驶一辆小型货车前往雷丁奇附近传教。

    After the merchant navy , he went missionising round Redditch in a minivan .

  24. 雷丁称,放弃提交草案的决定,是在欧盟委员会长达两小时的激烈辩论后作出的。

    MS reding said the defeat came after an " intense " two-hour Commission debate .

  25. 第3站台的火车开往伦敦,在迪科特和雷丁停车。

    The train on platform 3 is for London , calling at Didcot and Reading .

  26. 但是有人怀疑说这要大部分归功于雷丁的说服力。

    But cynics doubt that this owed much to the commissioner 's powers of persuasion .

  27. 在加利福尼亚州的雷丁,汤姆和莉娅的婚礼上,迎宾和敬茶仪式。

    Guest arrival and tea ceremony from Tom and Leah 's Wedding in Redding , California .

  28. “陛下,就在这里,你看到了吧?”纳斯雷丁指着井说。

    " Right here , Your Majesty , you see ?" Nasreddin pointed to the well .

  29. 他和阿森纳预备队一起赢得了一些锦标。我想他现在是雷丁队的几名顶级球员之一了。

    Hewon a few trophies with Arsenal juniors and he seems like one Reading 's top players .

  30. 皮特·赫在对雷丁的比赛中头部严重受伤之后接受了第一次采访。

    Petr Cech has given his first interview since the serious head injury he suffered at Reading .