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雍州 [yōng zhōu]
  • [one of nine prefecture in ancient China] 古九州之一

  • 秦孝公据淆函之固,拥 雍州之地。-- 汉. 贾谊《过秦论》

  1. 崔庆绪在梁州搜刮1000万,萧嶷在荆州搜刮3000万,曹虎便在雍州搜刮5000万。

    For example , the governor Cui Qingxu in Liang city gathered 10 million silver ; Xiao Yi 30 million in Jing Zhou and Cao Hu 50 million in Yong Zhou .

  2. 河东柳氏家族是刘宋时期新起的雍州地方武力强宗,奠定其家族基业的第一位关键人物是柳元景。

    The Hedong ( a part of today 's Shanxi Province ) Liu clan rose as a local power known for its military might in Yongzhou during the Song Dynasty of the Southern Dynasties .

  3. 梁朝的建立者萧衍,擅长文学,499年被任命为雍州刺史,他乘齐国内乱,发兵夺取了皇位,建立了梁朝。

    Xiao Yan , the founder of Liang , was a master of poems and was appointed the Garrison Commander of Yongzhou in 499 . Taking advantages of confusion in Southern Qi , he secured the throne and established Liang .