
  1. 讨论了一般电路上的随机徘徊,验证了电路与可逆的遍历Markov链是一一对应的;

    Secondly , we discuss random walks on general networks , prove that there is an one to one correspondence between networks and reversible ergodic Markov chains ;

  2. 耦合随机徘徊过程的直观描述为:在每个u∈S处,有一个指数钟,这些指数钟相互独立,服从参数为1的Poisson分布。

    The intuitive description of coupled random walk processes is that at each u ∈ S there is an exponential clock . These exponential clocks using a Poisson distribution with one parameter are independent of each other .

  3. 本文对一种具有可变置位随机徘徊滤波(VR-RWF)的脉冲式多级量化数字锁相环的性能作了分析。

    In this paper the theoretical analysis of performances of a Pulse Multilevel Quantized DPLL is given .

  4. 直线上非对称随机徘徊的相遇问题

    The Meeting problem of non-symmetric Random Walks on the line

  5. 随机徘徊滤波器原理实验电路板的设计

    A new design of random-walk filter experimental plate

  6. 一类随机徘徊的等待时间

    Waiting Times for a Class of Random Walks

  7. 本文就非对称的情形讨论了两个相互独立随机徘徊的相遇问题。

    In this paper the meeting problem of two independent non-symmetric random walks is discussed .

  8. 广义耦合随机徘徊过程的存在性

    Existence of generalized coupled random walk

  9. 可得当位置集为可列集且每次转移多个粒子时,耦合随机徘徊过程是存在的且为一无穷质点马氏过程。

    The main methods to achieve this is the transition from a finite set to infinite set and the coupling of stochastic processes .

  10. 在现代遥测系统和其它相关的数字通信系统的码同步器中广泛采用了随机徘徊滤波器技术以提高电路的抗干扰能力和系统工作的可靠性。

    Random-walk filter is widely used in Bit Synchronizer of modern telemetry system and other digital communication systems in order to enhance anti-jamming ability and reliability of a system .

  11. 最后,作为应用实例,作者用上述马氏链的模拟方法来分析用于数字锁相环中的一种新型的可变复位随机徘徊滤波器(VR&RWF)的特性,模拟结果相当满意,与理论分析十分符合。

    Finally , as a prac-tical example , the properties of a new class of sequential filter used in DPLL Variable Reset Random Walk Filler ( VR-RWF ) have been simulated with the Mar-kov-chain .