
  • 网络long'an
  1. 广西隆安屏山石灰岩山地飞机草群落特征分析

    The Characteristics of Eupatorium odoratum Community in Limestone Mountain Area of Long'an County in Guangxi

  2. 隆安壮语pai~(24)的语法功能分析

    On the Grammatical Functions of the Word " pai ~ ( 24 )"( go ) in Long'an Zhuang Language

  3. 广西隆安县HBsAg阳性者三年随访研究

    Three-year follow-up study on HBsAg positives in Longan County , Guangxi Province

  4. 以隆安县为桂西南代表,根据地层、地形、土类等确定调查路线和采样点,挖掘土壤剖面,采集B层土壤,同一地层采集多个样品充分混合,以风干土混合样进行分析。

    The Long ' an area was chose as representative of the southwest of Guangxi . Survey route and sampling spots and soil profiles were determined according to strata , landform and type of soils .

  5. 本研究中从广西壮族自治区隆安县一沼气池内筛选到一株能以甲醇为唯一碳源生长的甲基营养型细菌MB200。

    A strain that can grow with methanol as the sole source of carbon , MB200 , was isolated from the soil samples at a digester of Longan GuangXi .

  6. 隆安县乙肝疫苗免疫逃避株的研究

    Vaccine-induced escape mutant of hepatitis B virus in Long An County

  7. 国家甘蔗品种第五轮区域试验广西隆安点表现

    Report of Fifth Regional Trial of National Sugarcane Varieties in Longan County

  8. 南宁市隆安县结核病定点医院模式实施效果评价

    Implementation evaluation of model of TB designated hospitals in longan of Nanning

  9. 广西隆安县土地持续利用探讨

    Sustainable land-use of long ′ an County in Guangxi

  10. 广西壮族自治区隆安县乙型肝炎疫苗全程接种后的免疫记忆研究

    Studies on the status of immune memory after completion of hepatitis B vaccination

  11. 隆安县乙型肝炎疫苗免疫模式的研究

    Evaluation of The Hepatitis B Model Immu-nization Program In Long An County , Chi-na

  12. 第五轮国家甘蔗品种在广西南宁和隆安生产示范试验的表现

    Summary of Demonstration Trial of the Fifth National Sugarcane Varieties in Nanning and Longan Guangxi

  13. 对广西隆安县页岩制备的页岩陶粒进行理化性能研究。

    The physicochemical properties and technical performance of the haydite shale in the Jiutai-Changchun convex belt ;

  14. 广西隆安县农业产业化中龙头企业的发展及对策

    The Development and Countermeasures of Leading Enterprises in the Agricultural Industrialization on Longan Country of Guangxi Province

  15. 目的查明隆安县部分乙肝疫苗免疫失败的原因。

    Objective To find out the cause of breakthrough infections in Long An County children immunized with hepatitis B vaccine .

  16. 浅析隆安那文化&以稻神祭习俗为例

    An Analysis of " Na " Culture in Long'an & Take the Custom of Offering Sacrifices to Rice for Example

  17. 广西隆安县乙肝疫苗低剂量免疫策略的成本&效益分析

    Cost Benefit Analysis of Immunization with Hepatitis B Vaccine using the Low Dosage Immunization Strategy in Longan County of Guangxi Province

  18. 隆安县大规模普种重组酵母乙型肝炎疫苗后的血清学监测结果评价

    Serological Survey on the Effect of an Universal Immunization of Newborns with Recombinant Yeast-derived Hepatitis B Vaccine in Longan County of Guangxi

  19. 我受邀在加隆安节当天再次来访,与威迪全家共度佳节首日(下周再讲述更多详情)。

    I was invited back to spend the first day of Galungan with Widi 's family ( more on that next week ) .

  20. 在大力推进隆安县农业产业化经营的过程中,如何改造传统农业经济组织资源。

    Longan County in efforts to promote industrialization of agriculture in the process of how to transform the traditional resources of agricultural economic organizations .

  21. 他向我解释道,他和其他几个人刚刚宰了两头猪,准备分给他的家族亲戚们,用来制作成菜肴,为当地人民认为会有祖先魂魄来访的加隆安节做准备。

    He explained that he and a few others had killed two pigs to divide among his extended family , to be used in dishes for Galungan , during which ancestral spirits are believed to visit .

  22. 隆安县是典型的农业县却不是农业强县,有着丰富的资源,而对资源依赖性很强的农业产业化龙头企业的发展速度和质量都不尽如人意。

    Longan County is a typical agricultural county but an strong agricultural County , it is rich in resources , leading enterprises depends heavily on the resources of the agricultural industrialization in the development of the speed and quality are not satisfactory .

  23. 而且,在回来的路上,浑身被汗浸透的我,中途还停了下来,观看一群男人烧掉两头宰杀的肉猪身上的鬃毛,并在最后收到了一位新朋友的邀请,与他一同欢度加隆安节(Galungan)。

    And , on the way back , drenched in sweat , I stopped to see a group of men scorching the hair off two slaughtered pigs and ended up with an invitation to spend the festival of Galungan with a new friend .

  24. 板栗分大小级常温保鲜试验结果表明:隆安板栗大小对板栗常温贮藏货架期长短无影响;两个品种板栗的好果率比较分析表明:东兰板栗较隆安板栗贮藏特性更优良。

    Chestnut Preservation experiments at room temperature for two size level shown that : size of chestnut had no effect on shelf life length ; A comparation of good rate on two varieties of chestnut revealed that chestnut from Donglan had better Storage characteristic .