
  • 网络Chen Chun;Jun Chen
  1. 陈淳哲学思想研究

    The Study of Chen Chun 's Philosophy Thought

  2. 夏代是杜撰的吗&与陈淳先生商榷

    Is the Xia Dynasty an intangible mirage ? & A discussion with Mr. Chen Chun

  3. 另外,对于陈淳的仕履和著述,文章也进行了考究,并对学术界的一些观点加以订正。

    In addition , the paper also studies and checks his official career and literary works and corrects several .

  4. 南宋陈淳的《北溪字义》是解读理学、尤其是朱子思想的重要文本,也是东亚最早的哲学辞典。

    The Pei-hsi tzu-I is the earliest philosophical dictionary in East Asia and an important book by which to interpret the ideas of Neo-Confucianism , especially Zhuzism .

  5. 文章最后对陈淳书法在吴门书派中的特殊贡献,以及在明代书法史上所具有的承上启下的重要作用作了明确的定位。

    The article makes a proper evaluation of Chen Chun calligraphy in the " Wu Men " calligraphy genre and makes clear its important linking role in Ming Dynasty calligraphy history in the last part of the article .

  6. 吴门书派是明代以地域为特征的最大的文人书法流派,而陈淳则是吴门书派发展到鼎盛时期最具代表性的书家之一。

    The " Wu Men " calligraphy genre was the most influential scholar calligraphy genre characterized for its regional feature in Ming Dynasty and Chen Chun , a famous calligrapher of that time , was one of the most outstanding representative of this genre in its great prosperity period .