
Both have denied using public money for personal advantage .
Another close aide , Ma Yung-cheng , resigned on June 1st .
Under Mr. Chen , Taiwan adopted an isolationist stance that sent the Taiwanese property market into a slumber .
Mr. Chen 's supporters said the legislation would clear others of charges similar to those that Mr. Chen still faces .
" Although Chen Shui-bian has not formally been indicted , he is the de facto defendant in this case ," Mr Koo said .
Chen was transferred to a prison hospital in April last year after being diagnosed with severe depression , suspected Parkinson 's disease and other conditions .
Yesterday , prosecutors sent a request to the new president , asking for documents and recordings declared secret by Mr Chen to be handed over to them .
Mr Chen was questioned again yesterday , and afterwards told a press conference : " you can check it out . There was absolutely no graft , absolutely no stolen money . "
Several blocks away , hundreds of thousands of people , most wearing red shirts and hats to symbolize their opposition to Chen , rallied to demand he step down over a string of corruption scandals .
The statement comes after Mr Chen 's bail hearing yesterday was cut short after the former president complained of feeling unwell , saying he had heart conditions and often broke out in a cold sweat at night .
I will give up my right to appeal so the sentence could be executed immediately . Let 's stop with this circus , said Mr Chen , who has already been in solitary detention for most of the past seven months .
The cuddly duo , provocatively named the equivalent of " re " and " union " by the Beijing propaganda machine , had been refused admission by Mr Chen , who perhaps wanted to name them " bugger " and " off " .