
  • 网络Chen's;chans
  1. 陈氏兄弟是以他们已故的父亲陈曾熙(THChan)的名义向哈佛大学捐款的,哈佛大学公共卫生学院将易名为哈佛大学陈曾熙公共卫生学院。

    The Chans made their Harvard donation in the name of their late father TH Chan , after whom the public health school will be renamed .

  2. 文中利用自适应H∞同步控制方法和非线性自适应同步方法,为参数相同的陈氏混沌系统设计了自适应同步控制器。

    Adaptive H ∞ synchronization control method and nonlinear synchronization control method are used to design adaptive synchronization controller for Chen 's chaotic systems under the same parameter .

  3. 用第一原理算出Rose方程中的参量后,利用陈氏反演原理可以求出Al-Ga和Cu-Ga的对势;

    The pair potential of Al-Ga and Cu-Ga have been calculated by Chen 's reverse method with the parameters in Rose 's equation and the first principle theory .

  4. 寂静之声&阅读UBC大学陈氏演艺中心

    Sound of Silence : Reading of Chan Centre for the Performing Arts

  5. 《福布斯》(Forbes)估计,陈氏兄弟的身家合计30亿美元,在香港富豪榜上名列第17位。二人的父亲创建了恒隆地产。

    Forbes estimates that the brothers , whose father founded Hang Lung , are worth a collective $ 3bn , placing them 17th on the Hong Kong rich list .

  6. 计算表明,陈氏三维晶格反演比CGE方法具有更快的收敛性,容易获得较高精度的原子间相互作用势。

    The calculated results indicate that Chen 's lattice inversion method was exact for radial interatomic potential of alkali metals with much faster convergence than CGE method .

  7. 陈启宗告诉《南华早报》,陈氏家族通过旗下晨兴基金(MorningsideFoundation)捐赠的金额现已超过其他任何一位慈善家,包括微软(Microsoft)创始人比尔•盖茨(BillGates)和身家亿万的投资者沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)。

    Ronnie Chan told the SCMP that his family - through their Morningside Foundation - had now donated more money than any other philanthropist , including Bill Gates , Microsoft founder , and Warren Buffett , the billionaire investor .

  8. 根据陈氏三维晶格反演得到了C-C、Si-Si、Ge-Ge的原子间相互作用对势;

    With the Chen 's lattice inversion theorem , the interatomic pair potential components Φ C C , Φ Si Si and Φ Ge Ge are acquired ;

  9. 陈氏太极拳教学的优化改革

    A Preliminary Study on the Reform of Teaching Chen 's Taijiquan

  10. “陈氏定理”在国际上被广泛引用。

    The famous Chen 's Theorem was very widely cited internationally .

  11. 陈氏太极拳在现代发展过程中的思考

    On the Development of Chen Style Taijiquan in Modern Society

  12. 广州陈氏书院建筑装饰工艺中的辟邪物

    Talisman of Building Decoration in Chen 's Study in Guangzhou

  13. 陈氏基本互补划分法的改进和发展

    Improvement and Development for Chen 's Essential Complementary Partition Method

  14. 陈氏狸殖吸虫与两种宿主适宜性的研究

    Research on the suitability on two types of hosts of Paragonimus cheni

  15. 第一部分是对陈氏及其学术相关情况的介绍。

    The first part is the introduction to Chen and his academic theory .

  16. 齐国陈氏家族源于有虞氏,具有悠久的历史。

    Chen family comes from You-yu clan , which has a long history .

  17. 消防队员在救护车把陈氏夫妇送入医院之前为他们做了人工呼吸。

    Firemen gave the Chens the Kiss-of-life before an ambulance took them to hospital .

  18. 他们发现陈氏夫妇躺在厨房的地上,几乎要死了。

    They found Mr and Mrs Chen on the kitchen floor , almost dead .

  19. 陈氏混沌系统的采样数据反馈控制

    Sampled-data feedback control for chen 's chaotic system

  20. 内地陈氏后人认为,这违反了女性后代平等分配财产的内地法律。

    They argue it violates mainland law on equal division of property to women .

  21. 年,在第一次粤桂战争中,陈氏把陆荣廷和广西大小军阀赶出了广东。

    In1921 , Chen , pushed into Guangxi , starting the Second Ao-Gui war .

  22. 法丛上陈氏示性式的积分公式

    Equivariant Characteristic Form and the Integral Formula

  23. 论清代广西临桂陈氏家族的文化特点与文学创作&清代广西文学家族研究之七

    On Cultural Characteristics and Literary Creation of Chen Family of Lingui Guangxi in Qing Dynasty

  24. 陈氏影片还对文学原作进行文化改写,尤其集中在历史建构和民族特色两方面。

    For the cultural adaptation , Chen mainly focuses on two aspects on history and nationality .

  25. 小素数的陈氏定理

    Chen 's Theorem on Small Primes

  26. 陈氏一心想救丈夫,什么都忍受了,道士见状哈哈大笑而去。

    To save her husband , she endured everything . The priest laughed before he left .

  27. 陈氏把个人的回忆、感情以至民族的情怀融入其艺术创作中。

    Chen then translated his own memories , emotions , and patriotic sentiments into artistic creativity .

  28. 明代中期徽州的乡约与宗族的关系&以祁门县文堂陈氏乡约为例

    The Relations Between Township Rules and Patriarchal Clans in Huizhou During the Middle Period of Ming Dynasty

  29. 岭南中西医汇通世家&陈氏三代

    The Aristocratic Family of the Confluence of Chinese and Western Medicine in Lingnan : the Chen Family

  30. 社会动荡与地方士绅&以明末清初的山西阳城陈氏为例

    Social Upheaval and the Local Gentry : The Chens of Yongcheng , Shanxi During the Ming-Qing Transition