
  1. 陈亮与浪漫派历史哲学之比较

    A Comparison of the Philosophy of History between Chen Liang and Romanism

  2. 陈亮的农业经济思想

    Southern Song Dynasty Well-known Confucian Chen Liang 's Thoughts of Agricultural Economy

  3. 陈亮词论:辛派词的理论代言

    Cheng Liang 's Theory on Ci-poetry : Theoretical Representative of the Xin-school Ci-poems

  4. 陈亮是南宋时期著名的思想家、文学家。

    Chen Liang is a famous ideologist and litterateur in South Song Dynasty .

  5. 功利与道义之间&陈亮、叶适对朱熹的挑战

    Between utility and morality & challenge of Chen Liang and Ye Shi to Zhu Xi

  6. 这四位代表人分别是:李觏、王安石、陈亮和叶适。

    People is : Li Gou , Wang Anshi , Chen Liang and Ye Shi .

  7. 论陈亮富民强国的经济思想

    On the Economic Thoughts by Chen Liang & to Make the People Rich and the Country Stronger

  8. 论陈亮精神

    On CHEN Liang 's Spirit

  9. 南宋爱国学者陈亮的教育思想如同其经济思想、哲学思想,同样带有浓厚的事功主义倾向,对当代教育也有一定启迪。

    Southern Song dynasty patriotic scholar Chen Liang 's educational ideas , just like his economic and military ones , has utilitarian characters which has a great im-pact on the current education .

  10. 本文正是希望通对陈亮、叶适二人道统思想进行探讨,并藉此能够对儒家传统的道统思想有一个更为全面的把握。

    It is hoped that through this article on Chen Lang and Ye Shi of two Orthodox thinking , and to be able to ideological orthodoxy of the Confucian tradition has a more comprehensive grasp .

  11. 南宋浙东事功学派代表人物陈亮的德育思想如同其经济思想、哲学思想,同样带有浓厚的事功主义倾向。

    In the Southern Song dynasty , as the representative of the School of Zhe Dong Shi Gong , Chen Liang 's moral education thought just like his economic and military ones , has utilitarian tendency .

  12. 陈亮是南宋著名思想家,永康学派的创始人,陈亮思想丰富庞杂,涵盖历史、哲学、经济、军事等诸多层面。

    Chen Liang is the Southern Song Dynasty famous thinker , the founder of Yongkang school of thought , he bares his thoughts richly numerous and disorderly , covering history , philosophy , economy , military and so on .

  13. 陈亮是我国历史上杰出的爱国主义思想家、文学家、教育家,又是著名的史学理论家和军事谋略家,是永康学派的创始人,南宋浙东学派主要领袖人物。

    Chen Liang , as an outstanding ideologist of patriotism , educator , notable theorist of history and strategist of military , is also the founder of Yong Kang school , and the chief man of Eastern Zhejiang practical school .

  14. 浙商精神之所以在社会主义市场经济条件下仍然有强大的生命力重要原因之一就在于有着深厚的文化传承支撑,陈亮的事功思想就是这当中重要的组成部分。

    Zhejiang spirit of the reason why the socialist market economy still has great vitality important reason is that with the spirit of Zhejiang has a rich cultural heritage support , Chen Liang Utilitarian idea is that this important part of them .

  15. 陈亮的人格构成颇为复杂,其立身之本、人格底蕴是儒士,它统摄了陈亮人格的三个方面、三种人格成分:英雄豪杰、思想家、商人。

    The character of Chen Liang is rather complex , the basic and essence of it is the spirit of Confucianist and this rules over three facets of his character and three kinds of his character components : Heroic person , thinker and merchant .

  16. 第二章关于陈亮、叶适德育思想的构成,笔者分别从德育目标、德育内容和德育方法三个方面予以详尽介绍。

    The second chapter describes the construction of Chen Liang and Ye Shi 's thought of moral education . Their idea system mainly consists of three aspects : the purpose of moral education , the content of moral education and the method of moral education .