
  • 网络Long Comt;Long County;Long
  1. 比较分析了陕西省陇县八渡林场油松(pinustabulaeformis)木材的生长轮宽度、基本密度。

    The paper compares and analyses growth ring width and basic density of Pinus tabulaeformis which grow in Badu forest farm of Longxian county in Shaanxi Province .

  2. 鄂尔多斯盆地陇县地区含煤有利区构造预测

    Structure forecast on advantaged coal-bearing district in Longxian region of Ordos Basin

  3. 陕西陇县烤烟种植区土壤养分的测定与肥力综合评价

    Determination and comprehensive evaluation of soil fertility in Shaanxi Longxian tobacco-growing areas

  4. 陇县地区地质灾害及其防治

    Geological calamities and their prevention in Longxian area

  5. 鄂尔多斯盆地西南部华亭&陇县志丹群泾川组的双壳类

    Bivalves from Jingchuan formation of Zhidan group between Huating and longxian , southwestern Ordos Basin

  6. 黄陇侏罗纪煤田陇县地区构造及控煤作用分析

    An Analysis on Structure and Its Coal-Control Action in Longxian Region , Huanglong Jurassic Coalfield

  7. 2010年陇县试区土壤酶活较2009年有所提高。

    In 2010 Long-xian area , the soil activities were improved for some extent than 2009 .

  8. 浅析农村信用社依法收贷的难点与对策&以陕西省陇县农信社为例

    Simply Analysis of Difficult Point and Countermeasure of the Rural Loan in Accordance with the Law

  9. 陇县改良母牛体尺、体尺指数比较分析

    Comparison and Analyses on the Body Sizes and Body Size Indices of Crossbred Holstein Cows in Longxian , Shaanxi Province

  10. 鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘陇县地区翘翘板构造演化分析及其对煤炭资源赋存状况影响预测

    Analysis on structure evolution in Longxian area of Ordos basin region and its influence on the occurrence condition of coal resource

  11. 认为这些文献主要出现在以敦煌为主的陇县地区,其中的部分文献出现于公元八世纪中叶。第三章:论述诉讼书的形式。

    The research indicates that part of the literature appeared in the 8th century . Chapter ⅲ: Discusses the form of litigation .

  12. 陇县&千阳构造带则主要以北西走向的逆断层及其所夹断块为特征。

    Longxian - Qianyang tectonic belt are mainly north of the West towards the thrust fault and the fault block is characterized by folder . 4 .