
  1. 吐谷浑的首领阿豺有二十个儿子。

    A'cai , chief of Tu Gu Hun , had 20 sons .

  2. 一天,阿豺对他的儿子了说:“你们每人给我拿一支箭来。”

    One day A'cai said to them : " Each one of you bring me an arrow . "

  3. 过了一会儿,阿豺又对他的同母弟弟慕利延说:“你拿一支箭来把它折断。”

    After a while , A'cai said to Mu Liyan , his half-brother by the same mother : " Bring an arrow and break it . "

  4. 于是,阿豺意味深长地说:“你们知道其中的道理吗?单独一支容易折断,聚集在一起就很难被摧毁。只要你们同心协力,我们的江山就可以一代一代地传下去。”

    Thereupon , A'cai said meaningfully : " Do you know the reason behind ? A single arrow can be easily broken , but assembled together , the arrows will be hard to destroy . As long as you work in full cooperation and with unity1 of purpose , our throne will be passed down from generation to generation . "

  5. 一天,阿豺对他的儿子说

    One day A'cai said to them :

  6. 过了一会儿,阿豺又对他的同母弟弟慕利延说:

    After a while , A'cai said to Mu Liyan , his half-brother by the same mother :