
  • 网络lawrence of arabia;T. E. Lawrence
  1. 《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》里的安东尼·奎恩才对

    Anthony Quinn in " Lawrence of Arabia . "

  2. 《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》这部电影就是根据这本书拍摄而成的,并且让劳伦斯的故事更加出名。

    The film " Lawrence of Arabia " was based on the book and made Lawrence 's story even more popular .

  3. 那是我最喜欢的电影之一——《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》中的一句话。我知道这是很棒的一部电影。

    It 's one of my favorite movies : " Lawrence of Arabia . " It 's a cool movie , I know .

  4. 他在电影《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》中出演的角色家喻户晓,他曾被奥斯卡提名8次之多,但无一次获奖。但在2003年,奥图尔获得奥斯卡终身成就奖。

    Best known for his iconic role in " Lawrence of Arabia , " O'Toole was nominated a record eight times for an Academy Award without taking home a single statue , apart from an honorary Oscar in 2003 .

  5. 托马斯·劳伦斯:描绘阿拉伯历史的英国军人作家&阿拉伯的劳伦斯其人其作

    T.E. Lawrence : the English Army Writer Who Writes for the History of Arabia & The Life and Works of Lawrence of Arabia