
  1. 整个地方的气氛有点阴森可怖。

    The whole place has a slightly spooky atmosphere .

  2. 在21世纪版本的《雌雄大盗》(BonnieandClyde)里,这时候应该会有阴森可怖的音乐响起,银行家担心盗贼们用一把神奇钥匙打开门进入金库。

    In a 21st-century version of Bonnie and Clyde , this would be the moment when spooky music starts to play and bankers fear that robbers are in the vaults with a magic key capable of unpicking their locks .

  3. 我们发现了一个阴森可怖的活动住房,里面住着一个女巫。

    We 've found a creepy caravan where a witch lives .

  4. 图书馆内漆黑一片,阴森可怖。

    The library was pitch-black and very eerie .

  5. 他的回答,第一次让我产生了阴森可怖的感觉。

    His answer , for the first time to me , made terrible sense .

  6. 天空呈铅灰色,所有树木都只是些阴森可怖的形状。

    The sky was steely , and all the trees so many black and sinister shapes .

  7. 他派遣那边那个阴森可怖的老人来,使那痛楚一直火烧火燎!

    By sending yonder dark and terrible old man , to keep the torture always at red-heat !

  8. 这趟颠簸的旅程变得比上次更糟,黑暗的降临只让一切显得更加阴森可怖。

    The jolting trip was much worse this time , and the darkness only made it more frightening .

  9. 汤普森的身世背景的秘密在许多阴谋论源头资料中都是最阴森可怖的那一种。

    The secret in Thompson 's background and source of many of the conspiracy theories was of the spooky variety .

  10. 这位笑脸阴森可怖的超级英雄拥有无法控制的超能力,且内心阴暗。

    The superhero with a scary yet smiling face has uncontrollable superhuman strength , as well as a darkness inside of him .

  11. 站在阴森可怖的海滩上,我们凝望着从两侧将我们的营帐围绕起来的大海。

    Standing on the beach which looked grey and forbidding we stared our at the sea that surrounded the camp on two sides .

  12. 空中并不见什么阴森可怖的东西,可是,他们却飞得越来越慢,越来越吃力了,恰像要推开什么敌对的东西才能前进似的。

    Nothing horrid was visible in the air , yet their progress had become slow and laboured , exactly as if they were pushing their way through hostile forces .