
  1. 结论颈淋巴清扫患者术后感染发生率高,对于高危患者更应成为重点防护对象。

    CONCLUSIONS There is a high hospital infection incidence rate in patients after neck dissection , it is necessary to monitor high risk patients .

  2. 防护对象:氯气、二氧化硫、氮的氧化物、硫化氢、光气、磷和含氯的有机农药等酸性气体。

    Protection objects : chlorine , sulfur dioxide , nitrogen oxides , hydrogen sulfide , phosgene , phosphorus and chlorinated organic pesticides and other acid gases .

  3. 基于将磁流变阻尼器与钢丝绳弹簧相并联的思想,以船舶主机、辅机等设备为防护对象,进行了船用减振器的模型设计。

    Based on the idea of MR damper and steel wire rope in parallel , the vibration damper model is designed for protecting ship equipment such as engine , assisted engine etc.3 .

  4. 在保证安康、蜀河水库安全以及安康水库下游防护对象安全的前提下,考虑安康、蜀河区间洪水,以最大削峰为准则,建立安康水库的优化调度模型,采用动态规划法进行求解。

    Based on the security of Ankang reservoir , Shuhe reservoir and the protected objects in downstream area of Ankang reservoir , an optimal operation for Ankang reservoir is established , which considered the rule of utmost flood peak reduction and local inflows .

  5. 以夏津县黄泛沙地130m×260m的农田防护林网为研究对象,对林网内外的风速、空气温度、空气湿度、土壤温度、土壤湿度及水面蒸发进行了对比分析。

    This text researched the 130m × 260m farmland-shelter forest in the sandy area of the Yellow River city of Xiajin as object , compared and analyzed the wind speed , air temperature , air humidity , soil temperature , soil moisture and evaporation inside and outside the forest .

  6. 本研究以浙江省沿海防护林为研究对象,选取慈溪、上虞和温岭三个典型沿海防护林进行昆虫多样性调查。

    Insect diversity investigation of shelter forests along the coast of Zhejiang Province was carried on in Cixi , Shangyu and Wenling .

  7. 对各安全子系统在防护目标与设置、防护对象与策略、管理要求和性能指标等几方面内容上作了阐述。

    Make an explaining about the security sub-systems in the protection and setting goals , targets and strategies for prevention , management requirements and performance indicators .