
zhá bà
  • gate dam
闸坝[zhá bà]
  1. 闸坝深厚覆盖层基础处理研究

    The Gate Dam Foundation Treatment Investigation of Deep and Thick Overburden

  2. 深厚河床覆盖层闸坝防渗墙深度优化研究

    Impervious Wall Optimization Design of Gate Dam on Thick and Complex Riverbed Overburden

  3. RS-485在闸坝站自动测报系统中的应用

    Technology of RS-485 applied in Automatic Telemetry System of Gate and Dam

  4. 提出在多闸坝河流上,利用枯水期断面化学需氧量同步监测数据测算COD综合衰减系数的方法。

    A method to calculate the fall coefficient of COD in rivers which have many dams was put forward .

  5. 采用ANSYS结构分析软件,对闸坝结构和地基进行三维有限元静力分析和动力响应分析。

    The structure of dam and foundation was analyzed in terms of3-dimentional finite element static analysis and kinetic reaction analysis by ANSYS software .

  6. 通过分析郑州市河流闸坝,对城市生态水系进行概化,建立郑州市生态水系闸坝调度模型,并运用MIKEBASIN软件进行河道演进及模型求解。

    By analyzing the dam and the rivers in Zhengzhou city , we overviewed the ecological water system of the city , established the dam operation model of the ecological water system , and used MIKE BASIN to solved the model .

  7. 通过温控研究,简化了温控措施,加大了浇筑尺寸,加快了施工进度,闸坝竣工比原计划提前了6个月。可提前发电约5亿Kw,折合人民币约1亿元。

    The floodgate dam is completed more than 6 months ahead of time in the original piano It can generate electricity about 500 million kw ahead of time , convert about 100 million yuan .

  8. 由于RS-485具有远距离传输和多个串接入口等优点,可以实现用单RTU对闸坝站不同测点多个参数的自动测报,故RS-485接口在闸坝站自动测报系统中获得应用。

    Since it has the excellency of long distance transmission and many serial ports , RS-485 is applied in automatic telemetry system of gate and dam to measure and report different parameters from multi-points of a station by RTU .

  9. 垂直式闸坝基础结构型式及适用条件的探讨

    Discussion on structure type and applicable condition of vertical dam foundation

  10. 水毁拦河闸坝修复修补技术研究

    Study on repair technique of sluice and dam destroyed by flood

  11. 闸坝河流水质模型及实例研究

    Water Quality Simulation-of Dam-Controlled River with Case Study in Huaihe River

  12. 受闸坝控制的河道水质预测方法研究

    Water Quality Prediction for Channals Controlled by Sluices and Dams

  13. 土基上闸坝下游冲刷消能问题

    Scouring and Energy Dissipating Downstream of Sluices and Dams on Earth Foundations

  14. 水库闸坝自动化监控系统浅析

    Analysis on Auto-monitoring System for Reservoir 's Locks and Dams

  15. 探地雷达检测闸坝水下工程隐患

    Detection of hidden defects of underwater projects by the ground penetrating radar

  16. 闸坝下游的消能标准问题

    About the criteria of energy dissipation below sluices and dams

  17. 不仅仅是那些小的,老磨坊式的闸坝被拆除;

    It is not just small , old mill dams being removed ;

  18. 闸坝组合型渠首壅水建筑物的设计

    Design of Water Retaining Structures Composed of Gate and Dam

  19. 昌山水电站枢纽工程闸坝工作门方案设计

    Lock dam work gate scheme design of the Changshan hydropower station pivotal project

  20. 低水头闸坝式枢纽工程泥沙问题研究

    Study on Sediment at Gated Dam with Low Head

  21. 雨城电站闸坝观测资料分析

    Analysis of dam observation data for Yucheng hydropower project

  22. 堰闸坝结构的三维有限元静力分析

    Three-dimensional finite element static analysis of gate-dam structure

  23. 绕渗对闸坝及地基的安全影响

    Influence of Seepage Around Abutment on Safety of Dam and Gate and Their Foundation

  24. 堰闸坝有限元静力分析中地基模型的尺寸效应

    The size effect problem of foundation in finite element static analysis of gate-dam structure

  25. 低水头闸坝消力池体型研究

    Research on Geometry of Stilling Basins for Gated Dams with Low Froude Number Water Flow

  26. 采用有限体积法进行闸坝地基渗流分析与防渗措施研究

    An Investigation on Foundation Seepage and Seepage Control of Gate Dam by Finite Volume Method

  27. 低闸坝枢纽船闸引航道口门区通航水流条件研究

    Study on Navigation Flow Condition at the Entrance of Approaching Channel in Low head Dams

  28. 感潮闸坝站一潮最大流量资料整编误差控制分析

    Error Control Analysis of Max. One-tide Discharge Data Processing for Tidal Weir and Sluice Stations

  29. 对高山拦河闸坝的地下轮廓线进行初步拟定,并运用渗流分析理论对闸基渗流进行分析与研究,同时完成闸基排水设计的任务。

    The underground profile is defined and then is analyzed by using the theory of seepage .

  30. 大淹没出流闸坝泄流能力的试验精度及其改进措施

    Test Accuracy for Discharge Capacity of Locks and Dams with High Submerged Discharge and Improvement Measures