
mén xià
  • a hanger-on of an aristocrat;disciple;your;be one's disciple
门下 [mén xià]
  • (1) [a hanger-on of an aristocrat]∶门客

  • 食客门下足矣。--《史记.平原君虞卿列传》

  • (2) 又如:门下有毛遂。门下二十人

  • (3) [disciple]∶门生;弟子

  • (4) [your]∶敬辞,称对方

  • 窃为门下忧之

  • (5) 门庭之下 [be one's disciple]

  • 寄食门下。--《战国策.齐策四》

  • 比门下之客。

  • 比门下之车客。

  • 问门下诸客。

门下[mén xià]
  1. 像AC米兰这样财大气粗的意大利足球俱乐部也不可能把欧洲所有的明星球员统统招到自己门下。

    Rich Italian clubs such as AC Milan cannot simply skim off all of Europe 's stars

  2. 我们往他们门下塞了一份时事通讯。

    We shoved a copy of the newsletter beneath their door

  3. 有人在夜里在门下留了张便条。

    Someone had left a note under their door during the night .

  4. 败军在轭门下通过。

    The defeated army passed under the yoke .

  5. 这时候,门神出来劝解说:“我们都是因为没有什么本事,才依附在别人的门下,还争什么强,斗什么气呢?”

    At this moment , the deity3 of the door came to mediate4 : " It is only because we have no ability that we have to attach ourselves to the door of others . What 's the point of quarrelling with each other ? "

  6. 根据普林斯顿大学的研究方法,Facebook的研究人员得出结论,到2021年,普林斯顿大学将会门下无人。

    Using the University 's own method , it found Princeton would have no students by 2021 .

  7. 波顿曾是伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆(VictoriaandAlbertMuseum)馆长,于2002年转投大都会艺术博物馆门下后,已单独或合作组织了13场展览。

    Once a curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum , Bolton moved to the Met in 2002 , where he has curated or co-curated 13 shows .

  8. 这对双胞胎姐妹在NadègeVanhee-Cybulski2014年转投爱马仕(Hermès)门下后,亲自接任了创意总监一职,随后推出了没有性别界限的时装。

    The twins , who took over creative direction after losing Nad è ge Vanhee-Cybulski to Herm è s in 2014 , offer garments that have little intimation of gender .

  9. 我们都是上帝门下受苦的子民。

    We 're all members of the suffering body of christ .

  10. 门下省——负责审核各项政令和决策。

    The Menxia Department handled the verification of orders and policies .

  11. 然后把所有毛巾放在浴室门下。

    Then will you put all the towels under the bathroom door .

  12. 能够在老师门下学习,真是我的荣幸。

    It is a great honor for me to learn from you .

  13. 我那只可爱的小猫很轻松地在门下钻来钻去。

    My lovely cat can get under my door easily .

  14. 你们的客人都是从门下进屋的吗?

    Do all of your guests pass under this door ?

  15. 缪斯门下的喧阗聚散&论中国古典诗词鉴赏热

    Hubbub and Quiescence before the Muses : On the Chinese Classical Poetry Craze

  16. 我会悄悄把信放在你的门下。

    I 'll slip the letter under your door .

  17. 我们是第一批从门下进来的。

    Kreela , we 're the first ones to pass under the door .

  18. 我从你的门下塞了一份进去。

    I was slipping one under your door .

  19. 他显然已经入读犹太人的学校,受教于教法师的门下。

    No doubt he had already attended a Jewish school under a rabbi teacher .

  20. 他们对亲戚们寄食在他们门下已开始有点厌烦了。

    They 're getting a little tired of being sponged on by their relatives .

  21. 摘要毛姆历来被归类在现实主义的门下。

    William Somerset Maugham has always been attributed to one of the realistic writers .

  22. 这时,他们看到了前面有一线光亮&门下透出的微光。

    Then at last they saw a light ahead - light from under a door .

  23. 门下还得堵点东西,否则雨水会不断侵入。

    It was even necessary to put something beneath the door to keep the water out .

  24. 焦·拉腊毕在大画师马奇司特的门下学画&他的名望你是知道的。

    Joe was painting in the class of the great Magister – you know his fame .

  25. 1780年至1783年,他又重返学术生活,在托马斯·杰斐逊的门下学习法律。

    He returned to academic life from 1780 to 1783 to study law under Thomas Jefferson .

  26. 在公爵的帮助下,她开始在最好的老师门下学习音乐。

    With the help of the duke , he began to learn music under the best teathers .

  27. 他声名远扬,国人皆知,于是许多门生都来到他门下学习。

    His reputation extended far and wide throughout the land and many students gathered to study under him .

  28. 老虎本来是什么也不会的,就投到猫的门下。

    Originally the tiger couldn 't do any thing , so he turned to the cat for help .

  29. 当它从门下溜出后,它的微型翅膀开始扑闪并沿着街道飞去。

    Then its miniature wings begin to flap as it slips under the door and darts along the street .

  30. 率领他的中国徒弟周星驰和美国徒孙金凯瑞找到了俺,非要把俺收到门下。

    Led his Chinese disciple Zhou Xinchi and American disciple 's disciple Shun Jinkai to come to recruit me .