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  1. 两省以河流分界。

    The two provinces are demarcated by a river .

  2. 新修的这条公路为两省的经济交流打开了方便之门。

    The newly-built road opened the way to the economic intercourse between the two provinces .

  3. 5月22日,国家卫健委向两省派出由外科医生、重症护理专家以及心理医生等组成的医疗卫生组。

    The National Health Commission on Saturday dispatched medical teams , consisting of surgeons , critical-care experts , and psychologists , to the two regions .

  4. 方法对215例2000~2003年山东、河南两省招飞体检中有鼻腔阳性体征及鼻窦X线平片改变者,进行鼻窦冠状位高分辨率CT扫描对照。

    Methods Coronal HRCT was performed in 215 cadet candidates with positive nasal signs and paranasal sinus changes by plain X-ray film .

  5. 鲁粤两省黄瓜花叶病毒辣椒分离物CP基因序列分析及亚组鉴定

    Sequence Analysis of CP Gene and Subgroup Identification of CMV from Pepper in Guangdong and Shandong

  6. 鲁豫两省恙虫病东方体感染流行病学Meta分析

    Meta analysis on the epidemiology of Orientia tsutsugamushi infection in Shandong and Henan province

  7. 浙江、江苏两省的DEA有效上市公司数量最多,分别达到4家和3家。

    Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces took up the largest part of the DEA efficient listed companies , respectively 4 and 3.5 .

  8. 第三章对外商直接投资对广东、江苏经济增长的不同影响进行实证分析,具体包括外资流入对两省GDP增长的影响、国际贸易的影响、技术进步的影响及产业结构的影响。

    Chapter Three is about the empirical analysis of FDI different effects on two provinces , including effects of GDP , international trade , technology innovation and industry structure .

  9. 目的以汉坦病毒重组核衣壳蛋白(NP)为抗原,对陕西、河北两省部分地区HFRS患者的血清进行ELISA分型。

    Aim To make ELISA typing of sera from HFRS patients from partial districts of Hebei and Shaanxi Provinces using hantavirus nucleocapsid protein ( NP ) as antigen .

  10. 自2003年以来,江苏取代广东成为全国吸收外资最多的省份,因此研究两省的区位优势因素以及两省吸引FDI的区位决定因素具有重要的意义。

    Since 2003 , Jiangsu has become the largest recipient of FDI inflow in china instead of Guangdong , so it is very important to study the location advantages and location determinants in two provinces .

  11. 利用统计学原理对来自吉林、辽宁两省的10个种源的花曲柳在吉林省柳河兰山林场的苗期生长(1a生苗高、地径)情况进行了统计分析。

    The growth of 10 provenance of Fraxinus chinensis in the seedling stage from Jilin Province and Liaoning Province was analyzed by using the theory of statistics .

  12. 本文采取实证研究,以湖南、广东两省通过ISO9000认证的制造企业为研究对象,所采集的数据使用结构方程模型来分析。

    This thesis adopts an empirical research on some manufacturing enterprises in Hunan and Guangdong Provinces authenticated by ISO9000 , and the data collected will be analyzed by Structure Equation Model .

  13. 我国河南、陕西两省献血感染者HIV-1B亚型毒株gag基因变异研究

    Genetic Variation of Gag Gene in HIV-1 Subtype B Infections from Henan and Shanxi Provinces of China

  14. 云贵两省三地带绦虫的分子鉴定&核糖体DNA第一内转录间隔区(ITS1)限制性酶切片段长度多态性(RFLP)分析

    Molecular identification of Taenia in three regions of Yunnan and Guizhou provinces & restriction fragment length polymorphism ( rflp ) analysis of the first internal transcribed spacer ( its1 ) of ribosomal DNA

  15. 这两省的卫生部门表示,他们会继续加强H7N9病毒的防控工作,努力提高民众对H7N9病毒的预防意识。

    Health authorities in both provinces say they will continue to enhance control over the H7N9 virus and exert efforts to raise people 's awareness on H7N9 prevention .

  16. 我国江苏、安徽两省曾于1999和2000年发生大肠杆菌O157∶H7感染性腹泻爆发流行,并且范围扩大东北、华北及华东地区。

    Coli O157 : H7 has caused two outbreaks in Jiangsu and Anhui provinces in 1999 and 2000 , and expanded to the scope of the Northeast , North China and East China areas .

  17. 尤其是象BL公司这样从一家门店到数千家门店,从一个城市发展到覆盖云贵两省,只经历了几年时间的高速成长的企业来说人力资源尤为重要。

    Especially the company likes BL , which is developing from just one store to thousands of stores , from one city to all over Yunnan and Guizhou Province , by one few years . The HR is truly important for a company developed with such a rapid speed .

  18. 对长江三角洲地区两省一市的技术存量进行了测算,并运用广义的C-D生产函数对长三角地区两省一市的技术外溢进行了实证研究。

    Then , we estimate technology stock of two provinces and one city in Changjiang delta area , and we do the demonstration research on the technology spillover of two provinces and one city in Changjiang delta area , by utilizing the C-D production function .

  19. 对甘肃、新疆两省(区)186个厚皮甜瓜病毒病标样的鉴定结果表明,病毒种类有黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)、西瓜花叶病毒2号(WMV-2)和南瓜花叶病毒(SqMV)。

    One hundred and eighty six virus samples are identified as cucumber mosaic virus ( CMV ), watermelon mosaic virus 2 ( WMV-2 ) andsquash mosaic virus ( SqMV ) in Xinjiang and Gansu Province of them , WMV-2 is the most important .

  20. 广东、福建两省非公有制林业发展调研报告

    Report on the Development of Non-public Forestry in Guangdong and Fujian

  21. 闽台两省变质带的初步认识

    Preliminary Knowledge of the Metamorphic Belts in Fujian and Taiwan Provinces

  22. 河北、江苏两省外向型经济的比较研究&兼议加快河北省外向型经济的发展

    Comparison of the Out-oriented Economic Development between Hebei and Jiangsu Provinces

  23. 浙江与福建两省中药炮制规范的比较分析研究

    Zhejiang and Fujian Chinese Native Medicines Concoct Standard Comparative Analysis Research

  24. 闽浙两省非公有制经济发展比较研究

    Fujian and Zhejiang Provinces in the non-public economic development Comparative Study

  25. 闽台两省啮齿动物比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Rodents In Two Coasts of Taiwan Straits

  26. 广东、海南两省人血清12种虫媒病毒抗体调查

    Prevalence of human antibody to arbovirus in Guangdong and Hainan Provinces

  27. 沿海与内地农户家庭储蓄借贷行为比较研究以晋浙两省19862000年固定跟踪观察的农户为例

    Saving and Borrowing Behavior of Household in Shanxi and Zhejiang of China

  28. 据认为,两省的暴发均始于1月中旬。

    Both outbreaks are thought to have begun in mid-January .

  29. 浙江中小企业上市公司的现状与发展&基于浙粤两省企业财务指标的对比分析

    Status Quo and Development of the Listed Companies in Zhejiang

  30. 浙赣两省寄生双身虫四新种

    Four new species of diplozoon from Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces in China