
  • 网络Changsha Evening Newspaper
  1. 长沙晚报说,组织这样的活动是为了帮助这些成年人找回童年的欢乐。

    Changsha Evening Newspaper says the activity was arranged to help adults seek childhood happiness .

  2. 据湖南省《长沙晚报》报道,之后警察及时赶到,在火车驶过之前把女孩拉离了铁道。

    Officers arrived just in time to pull the girls from the tracks before the train rushed past , Hunan-based Changsha Evening News reported .

  3. 据《长沙晚报》报道,贺先生声称这种行李箱小车能一次搭载2个成年人,而且充电一次能行驶37英里。

    Mr. He says the suitcase-scooter can carry 2 adults at once and travel as far as 37 miles in one charge , the local Changsha Evening News reported .

  4. 据《长沙晚报》报道,一项针对湖南七所高校的调查显示,仅有不到一成的大学生每天坚持锻炼一小时以上。

    According to Changsha Evening News , a survey conducted across seven campuses in Hunan province shows that less than 10 percent of college students work out for more than an hour every day .