
  1. 消息说:如果你接到电话,称汇丰银行在米尔福德镇的一台ATM机发生了故障,可以多取钱,那么对不起大家我们已经赶到那里了。

    They tweeted : If you get a call that the ATM at HSBC in Milford-on-Sea is dishing out too much money - we are there already - Sorry folks !

  2. 消息说:“如果你接到电话,称汇丰银行在米尔福德镇的一台ATM机发生了故障,可以多取钱,那么对不起大家我们已经赶到那里了。”

    They tweeted : " If you get a call that the ATM at HSBC in Milford-on-Sea is dishing out too much money - we are there already - Sorry folks ! "

  3. 还是孩子时,她在家里的电视机上看到的节目(那是镇上的第一台电视机)鼓励她为成名而“飞出大山”,离开地扪寨。

    The shows she saw as a child on her family 's TV , the first in town , inspired her to " fly out of the big mountain " leave Dimen to find fame .