
  1. 自1992年以来,镇江新区非农产业发展迅猛。

    Non-agriculture industries have developed very rapidly in Zhenjiang New Aera since 1992 .

  2. 通过镇江新区环评的具体案例分析,突变级数法表现出在生态适宜度评价方面较好的适用性。

    The case study shows the applicability of catastrophe progression method in ecological suitability assessment .

  3. 镇江新区城乡生活饮用水卫生现况分析

    Hygiene Status of Drinking Water in Urban and Rural Areas of New District of Zhenjiang

  4. 突变级数法在生态适宜度评价中的应用&以镇江新区为例

    Application of catastrophe progression method in ecological suitability assessment : A case study on Zhenjiang new area

  5. 基于水环境容量的开发区水污染控制对策研究&以镇江新区为例

    Study on Control of Water Pollution in Developing Areas by Water Environmental Capacity Analysis & Taking Zhenjiang Development Zone as Example