
yín hé
  • galactic nucleus;nucleus of Galaxy
银核[yín hé]
  1. 玻璃微珠/银核壳纳米复合粒子的制备及表征

    Preparation and characterization of glass sphere / silver core-shell nanocomposite particles

  2. 一维氧化硅/银核-壳型纳米复合材料的制备及其消光性能

    Preparation and extinction property of one-dimensional silica / silver nanocomposite with core-shell structure

  3. 以金纳米粒子为表面晶种,通过化学还原的方法制备了二氧化硅/银核壳复合纳米粒子。

    By using gold nanoparticles as the surface seed , SiO2 / Ag core-shell composite nanoparticles were synthesized by chemical reduction method .

  4. 采用化学改性的天然高分子淀粉微粒作为核材料,通过原位化学还原法制备出淀粉/银核/壳复合微粒。

    ( 2 ) Using chemically modified natural starch particles as core material , the starch / silver core-shell composites were prepared by in-situ chemical reduction method .

  5. 本文扼要介绍了近十几年开发出来的一种由非银核和卤化银壳组合微晶体所构成的新成像体系。

    This paper presents a brief introduction into a new photographic imaging system developed in recent 10-plus years , which constitutes of microcrystals having non-silver cores and silver halides shells .

  6. Sn2+在氧化硅纳米线表面的预先吸附有利于细小、密集银核的形成,所以预处理化学镀法能形成更密集、更均匀的银包覆层。

    Advance adsorption of Sn2 + on the surface of silica nanowires is helpful for the forming of tiny and dense silver nuclei , as a result , denser and evener silver coating layer can be formed through the method of pretreatment electroless silver deposition .

  7. 方法对60例良性无复发、复发和恶性腮腺混合瘤用流式细胞仪和银染色核形成技术作DNA含量和AgNOR定量测定。

    Methods The DNA contents and AgNOR were analysed by flow cytometry and silver staining nucleolar technique for sixty cases of benign unrecurrent , recurrent and malignant parotic gland mixed tumor .

  8. 同样,通过一步法合成了以纳米银为核,PPy和PB为壳的Ag-PPy/PB核-壳多重纳米复合物,这进一步说明一步法合成导电聚合物/贵金属纳米颗粒/PB具有一定的普适性。

    Similarly , one-step synthesis of nano-silver as the core , PPy and PB as the shell Ag-PPy / PB core - shell nanocomposite multiple , is a further step synthesis of conducting polymer / noble metal nanoparticles / PB has a certain universal .

  9. 金属桩银汞核在后牙牙体缺损修复中的应用

    Application of metal post and amalgam corn for the restoration of posterior tooth defect

  10. 目的比较分体式铸造金属桩核冠和螺纹金属桩银汞核冠修复磨牙的临床适应症与修复效果。

    Objective : To compare the effect of Clinical indication of the detached foundry metal pile nuclear crown and whorl mercury metal pile nuclear crown in the reparation of the molar .

  11. 结论铸造桩核全冠和玻璃纤维桩树脂核全冠治疗效果优于成品螺纹钉桩加银汞合金核或树脂核全冠。

    Conclusion The cast post core and crown , and glass fiber post and resin core and crown treatment is better than refined screw pile and silver amalgam or resin core nucleus .

  12. 扫描电镜分析了膜的结构,结果表明微乳液聚合后形成了以氯化银为核,聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯为壳的核-壳型无机-有机杂化膜材料;

    The membrane structure was analyzed by scanning electron microscope ( SEM ), and it was showed that core-shell organic-inorganic hybrid materials were formed with AgCl as the core and PMMA as the shell .

  13. 论文以Ag/TiO2为体系,重点研究以二氧化钛为包覆层、金属银为核的纳米粒子的合成与制备,着重讨论了其紫外一可见光吸收性能。

    In this work , Ag / TiO_2 was opted , the synthesis and UV-Vis . spectral property of nanoparticles with titanium dioxide as the covering shell and silver as the inner core were discussed .

  14. 结论:对于根管弯曲、叉大、室大或C型根管的磨牙,银汞桩核修复效果良好。

    Conclusion : Amalgam post and core technique is conservative in restoring molars for its curved root canal , big root furcation and large pulp chamfer .

  15. 采用乳液聚合方法、包裹聚合方式,制备出纳米银/聚苯乙烯核壳复合粒子,并借助于TEM、FTIR、XPS、AFM、TG/DTA等分析手段对复合粒子微观结构进行了表征;

    Nano-Ag / Polystyrene core-shell particles were prepared by emulsion polymerization and their microstructure were characterized by TEM , FTIR , XPS , AFM and TG / DTA .

  16. 家蚕蛹在复眼着色期,经4℃冷藏24小时后,可被AcNPV(苜蓿银纹夜蛾核多角体病毒)感染。

    After the silkworm pupa at the compound eye darkened stage was stored in 4 ℃ for 24h , it could be infected by Ac NPV ( Autographa californica Nuclear polyhedrosis Virus ) .

  17. 银汞桩核用于磨牙修复的临床观察

    Clinical research about amalgam post and core of molar

  18. 新型银-二氧化硅核-壳型复合纳米粒子的合成与表征

    Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Silver-Silica Core-Shell Composite Nanoparticles

  19. 目的观察粘结银汞桩核在老年人无髓后牙保存修复中的应用效果。

    Conclusions Bonded amalgam core is preferable to preserve elderly patients'endodontically treated posterior teeth .

  20. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组制作不同深度的银汞桩核,Ⅳ组为对照组。

    The different depths of amalgam post-core restorations were prefabricated . Group ⅳ was the control group .

  21. 随着显影液中显影剂量的减小,卤化银颗粒上银的成核速度明显减慢,单个颗粒上显影中心的数目明显增加。

    The results show that the nucleation rate decreases and the number of nucleus on single emulsion grain increases with decreeing amount of developing agent .

  22. 银河系的银盘、银晕、核球的平均金属丰度为-0.2,-1.6,-0.2。

    The average values of metallicity in the disk , the halo , and Galactic bulge are - 0.2 , - 1.6 , and - 0.2 dex respectively .

  23. 方法先用螺纹钉和银汞合金形成桩核,再行烤瓷牙修复。

    Methods used to screw and formasilver amalgam core , re-dental restoration .

  24. 此外,我们还进一步利用散射理论讨论了银/金纳米核壳结构的远场效应。

    In addition , we also discuss the far field effect of Gold / silver nanoshell structures .

  25. 目的以离体牙作对照,比较复合树脂、银汞作桩核材料对烤瓷熔附金属全冠瓷层耐压强度的影响。

    Objective To determine the influence of two core materials on the porcelain strength of porcelain fused to metal crowns ( PFMC ) .

  26. 实验还表明具有不同银厚度的金核银壳纳米粒子也能够催化该发光反应,但其催化活性比纳米金弱得多。

    It was found that the formed core / shell nanoparticles could also catalyze this CL reaction , but their catalytic ability was much weaker than that of gold nanoparticles .

  27. PVP与银离子形成络合离子,控制游离银离子的浓度,影响银的成核与生长。

    The concentration of free silver ion was controlled by polyvinyl pyrrolidone ( PVP ) by the formation of complex .