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  • Clip;tongs;pincer;sword; punch
  • 冶铸用的钳:火~。铁~子。

  • 剑。

  • 剑柄。

  1. 铗用火钳抓,拿住或操纵。

    To seize , hold , or manipulate with tongs .

  2. 松堆布铗丝光工艺的机理和实践

    Mechanism and Practice of Slack Piling Clip Mercerizing Process

  3. 交流电机变频调速在布铗丝光机上的应用

    An Application of AC Motor Speed Control by Variable Frequency in Mercerizing Range

  4. 布铗丝光机热碱丝光工艺探索

    Hot Alkali Mercerizing with Clip Mercerizer

  5. 我国铗蠓属植蠓亚属新记录及其一新种描述(双翅目:蠓科)

    A New Species of the Genus Forcipomyia ( Phytohelea ) from China ( Diptera : Ceratopogonidae )

  6. 对直辊布铗丝光机的冲淋、吸液装置进行改造,增添了自动测配碱控制系统。

    The rinsing and alkali absorption equipments on clip mercerizing machine were reformed , and the automatic controlling system of alkali measuring and dosing was added .

  7. 上铗率最高的群落是针叶林群落,最低的是农耕地群落,但所有群落的上铗率都普遍偏低。

    The captured rate of the coniferous forests was the highest , and the land farm was the lowest . The captured rate of all the communities was low .

  8. 2011年8月,通过铗日法和陷阱法对该区域内的小型兽类(包括食虫目、啮齿目和兔形目的鼠兔科)进行了区系和群落调查。

    The mammal fauna and species communities were investigated by capturing small mammals ( including Insectivora , Rodentia and Ochotonidae ) using clamps and traps methods in August , 2011 .

  9. 提出了纤维素纤维织物松堆的新布铗新丝光工艺和设备,并以之和常规紧式布铗丝光工艺进行了现代手段的对比试验和分析。

    Novel process of slack pile mercerizing and related equipments for cellulosic fibre fabric were described and a comparative test between the new method and conventional one with modern means was conducted .

  10. 2003年底至2004年初,在新乡火电厂抢救性发掘汉代墓葬200余座,出土9件鼎、壶、釜等铗制容器。

    From 2003 to 2004 , about 200 Han tombs were discovered in the area of the electric power factory in Xinxiang city . Among 9 pieces of iron wares such as Ding , Hu and Fu were excavated there .

  11. 将交流电机变频调速技术应用于印染厂布铗丝光机同步传动系统中,主要介绍系统原理、同步方案、张力传感器和稳定性分析等。

    His paper mainly introduces an application of AC motor speed control by variable frequency in multi-motor synchronous drives of dyeing and printing works . It includes system principle , synchronous speed control scheme , tension transducer , tension regulator and stability analysis .