
  • 网络ferroniobium;FeNb
  1. 世界铌铁工业近况及发展动向

    Recent development and the trend of world FeNb industry

  2. 今后世界铌铁工业将持续稳定发展。

    From now on , world FeNb industry will keep up a steady increase .

  3. 用电子探针、X射线衍射仪等设备研究了商用铌铁铸锭中的相。

    Used Equipment Plant Performance The phases in commercial Nb-Fe alloy ingot were investigated by X-ray diffractometer and electron probe microanalyser .

  4. ICP-AES法测定铌铁中钛、钽、铜、铝、磷

    Determine ti , ta , cu , al and P in ferroniobium with ICP-AES method

  5. 本文采用廉价钛铁、铌铁和含碳材料等.以焊条药皮合金化,通过电弧冶金反应,获得含TiC、NbC超硬质相的堆焊层。

    Using low cost titanium , niobium ferroalloys and carbon containing ingredient , through alloying by the coating of the electrode , an overlay containing TiC , NbC super hard phases has been obtained .

  6. 新变种矿物&铌铁锐钛矿及其共生矿物钕易解石

    A new variety of anatase & niobium anatase and associated aeschynite

  7. 共沉淀法制备铌铁酸铅超细粉体

    Lead ferrite niobate perovskite fine powders prepared by coprecipitation method

  8. 铌铁中磷的快速测定方法探讨

    Discussion on Rapid Test Method for Phosphorus Content in Ferroniobium

  9. 光谱级铌铁基体试制与研究

    Study and Trial-production of Spectrum Grade Ferroniobium Base

  10. 降低低级铌铁中锰含量的研究

    Study on reducing manganese content of low-grade ferroniobium

  11. 本文以纯铌铁金红石矿物为研究对象,介绍并比较几种捕收剂对其捕收效果的影响。

    Effects of several collectors on pure ilmenorutile were studied and compared in this paper .

  12. 制备中级铌铁过程中还原剂的选择及硅铝铁作用的分析

    Selection of reductant and analysis of Fe-Si-Al function in the preparation of medium class fe-nb

  13. 浅论铌铁合金的生产方法

    Simply discussing the method of producing Ferrocolumbium

  14. GB/T3654.4-1983铌铁化学分析方法燃烧重量法测定碳量

    Methods for chemical analysis of ferroniobium & The combustion gravimetric method for the determination of carbon content

  15. GB/T3654.9-1983铌铁化学分析方法硫氰酸盐光度法测定钨量

    Methods for chemical analysis of ferroniobium & The thiocyanate photometric method for the determination of tungsten content

  16. 铌铁酸铅陶瓷介电常数的温度与频率特性

    Temperature and Frequency Characteristics of Dielectric Constant of Pb ( Fe_ ( 0.5 ) Nb_ ( 0.5 )) O_3 Ceramics

  17. 离心浇铸制样-X-射线荧光光谱法测定铌铁合金中铌硅磷

    Determination of niobium , silicon and phosphorus in ferrocolumbium by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using sample preparation technique of centrifugal casting

  18. 推荐的分选工艺是一段反浮将萤石选出,然后两段磁选将铌铁金红石与赤铁矿分离。

    The recommended separating technology is 1-stage reverse floatation for the fluorite separation and 2-stage magnetic separation for ilmenorutile recovery by elimination of hematite .

  19. 本文分析了热还原法制备中级铌铁过程中还原剂的特性,通过实验选择了硅铝铁合金作为还原剂。

    Abstract The characteristics of reductant in the preparation of Fe-Nb with hot reduction process is analysed , Fe-Si-Al alloy is selected as reductant according to the experiment .

  20. 寻求合适的原材料,选用较佳的配铝量、温度、新的添加剂及其用量,可以制作光谱级铌铁基体,使基体中的杂质元素含量低于GB7737-87铌铁标准。

    Spectrum grade ferroniobium base can be produced from selected raw materials and proper aluminium with additives at a suitable temperature . Impurity content in the base is below GB 7737-87 standard for ferroniobium .

  21. 微合金钢中碳化铌在铁素体中的沉淀和沉淀强化

    Precipitation and precipitation strengthening of niobium carbide in ferrite in Microalloyed Steel

  22. 微合金化钢中碳化铌在铁素体中的沉淀

    Precipitation of niobium carbide in ferrite in MICROALLOY STEELS

  23. 内蒙某稀土-铌-铁共生矿床中铌矿物的化学富集方法

    The concentration of niobium minerals in a REE-Nb-Fe deposit in Nei Monggol by means of chemical approach

  24. 本实验是在钼丝炉内氧化铝坩埚中测定了1550℃,1600℃和1650℃下铌在铁液中的传输速率。

    The transfer rate of niobium in liquid iron was measured at 1550 ℃, 1600 ℃ and 1650 ℃ in a molybdenum wire resistance furnace . Alumina crucible was used in the experiment .

  25. 对铜铌合金球铁轧辊使用环境进行了研究,寻找出提高铜铌合金球铁轧辊使用寿命的技术措施和方法。

    It researched operating environment of copper-niobium ductile iron roller thus found measures for advancing operating life .

  26. 研究了钼、钒、铌对10%Cr铁素体耐热钢持久强度的影响。

    The effect of Mo , V and Nb on creep rupture strength of 10 % Cr ferritic heat resistant steel has been studied .

  27. 采用一种含Nb2O5~0.5%的平炉渣作原料,研制了含Nb~16%、Mn~50%的铌-锰-铁。

    Using an open hearth furnace slag containing about 0.5 % Nb_2O_3 as raw material , a new Fe-Nb-Mn alloy containing 16 % Nb , 5 % Mn has been developed .

  28. 研究结果表明,铌的加入使铁素体转变开始温度降低,使贝氏体转变温度降低,铌对贝氏体的转变产生了抑制作用。

    Hardness of the niobium-bearing low carbon steel under different strains was measured . The research results show ferrite start temperature and bainite start temperature were decreased by addition of Nb .

  29. 本文研究了控制轧制工艺参数对含铌与不含铌低碳钢的铁素体晶粒细化的影响规律。

    The effect of controlled-rolling parameters on refinement of ferrite grain size in niobium contained steel and plain carbon steels were investigated .

  30. 目前,铌粉和铌条的生产厂家主要有5家,他们还生产铌铁。

    Nowadays there are five main producers of niobium powder and blanks , and ferro-niobium .