
qiān zhòng dú
  • lead poisoning;plumbism;saturnism
铅中毒 [qiān zhòng dú]
  • [lead poisoning] 铅被吸收入体内所产生的慢性中毒,特征为贫血并伴有红细胞点彩、严重绞痛、龈有蓝色铅线以及局部肌肉麻痹(例如腕垂)

铅中毒[qiān zhòng dú]
  1. 铅中毒162例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 162 cases of plumbism

  2. 复方雷公藤煎剂对慢性铅中毒治疗效果的临床观察

    Clinical Observation in Treating Chronic Plumbism of Compound Tripterygium Wilfordii Decoction

  3. 事实证明,铅中毒更难处理。

    Lead poisonous has proved more difficult to deal with .

  4. 上世纪80年代,电线和铅中毒几乎使它们濒临灭绝。

    In the 1980s , electrical lines and lead poisoning nearly drove them to dying out .

  5. 血铜、铁水平在非铅中毒及不同程度的铅中毒儿童中差异无显著性(P均>0.05)。

    Blood copper , iron level had no difference among all children .

  6. 目的探讨维生素C对铅中毒小鼠血中金属元素含量变化的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of vitamin C on serum metallic element in poisoning mice induced by lead acetate exposition .

  7. 慢性铅中毒性肾损害患者EDTA驱铅效果分析

    Curative effect of EDTA on kidney injury caused by chronic lead poisoning

  8. MT蛋奶粉对铅中毒大鼠脑和股骨中微量元素的影响

    Effects of MT egg-milk powder on trace elements in brain and femur of lead poisoning rats

  9. 目的:探讨实验性铅中毒对小鼠附睾神经生长因子(NGF)基因表达的影响。

    To study the effect of lead exposure on expression of NGF gene in mouse epididymis .

  10. ROC曲线在评价铅中毒指标中的应用

    Application of Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve in Assessment of Indicators for Lead Poisoning

  11. 结论:服用MT蛋奶粉能明显纠正铅中毒大鼠脑和股骨中微量元素代谢紊乱。

    Conclusion MT egg-milk powder can obviously improve the metabolism disorder of trace elements in lead poisoning rats .

  12. 目的:观察富含金属硫蛋白(MT)的蛋奶粉对铅中毒大鼠的驱铅效果。

    Objective To study the effects of metallothionein ( MT ) egg-milk power on excluding lead in vivo in saturnic rats .

  13. 乌鲁木齐市铅中毒儿童家长知识信念行为(KAP)的调查分析

    A study on knowledge , belief and practice toward lead poisoning among parents in Urumqi

  14. 实验性铅中毒对小鼠海马nNOS基因表达的影响

    The effect of the experimental lead exposure on expression of nNOS mRNA in the mouse hippocampus

  15. CaMKⅡ在大鼠海马急性铅中毒中作用

    Role of Camk ⅱ in acute lead exposure of rat hippocampus

  16. 血锌原卟啉(ZPP)在铅中毒筛选中的应用

    Application of zinc protoaetioporphyrin ( ZPP ) in the screen of led poisoning

  17. 目的:通过建立亚慢性铅中毒动物模型探讨醋酸铅对雄性小鼠睾丸细胞DNA的损伤,为进一步了解其毒性作用机制提供科学依据。

    Object : To establish the model of subchronic lead exposure in mice , and explore the effect of DNA damage of testicular cells in order to provide the scientific basis for further understanding of the mechanism of testicular toxicity .

  18. 结果锌预防组和锌治疗组大鼠海马NOS活性高于铅中毒组而低于对照组;

    Results The activity of NOS of hippocampus of the precaution group and the therapy group was higher than the lead poisoned group and was lower than the blank group ;

  19. 锌预防组和锌治疗组nNOS阳性神经元数量高于铅中毒组;

    The hippocampus nNOS positive neuron amount was higher in the precaution group and the therapy group than in the lead poisoned group .

  20. 结论PQQ能降低铅中毒小鼠体内的铅含量。

    Conclusion PQQ could significantly increase lead excretion .

  21. 结果干预前后儿童对铅中毒知识知晓率、不良生活习惯转化率、血铅浓度比较,经统计学分析,均P0.05,差异有统计学意义。

    Results There was significant difference before and after interposing ( P 0.05 ) in patients ′ knowledge about lead poisoning and the bad living habits . The concentration of lead in the blood was significantly decreased .

  22. 结果锌治疗组大鼠海马总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)含量高于铅中毒组(P均0.05),丙二醛(MDA)低于铅中毒(P0.05)。

    Results T-AOC and content of SOD in therapeutic group were higher than the lead poisoning group ( P0.05 ), the level of MDA was lower than that in the lead poisoning group ( P0.05 ) .

  23. “可以明确的得出结论,这些铅中毒现象就是由于电池工厂的铅污染引起的”,医院的儿童医疗卫生保健部门主管ZhangGong说道。

    " We can draw a clear conclusion that the lead poisoning was caused by the lead pollution of the battery plants ," said Zhang Gong , director of the hospital 's child healthcare department .

  24. 我们对7例职业性铅中毒病人和7例正常人进行了外周血淋巴细胞染色体畸变和SCE分析。

    The chromosomal aberration and SCE of lymphocytes in 7 cases of patients occupationally exposed to lead were studied and another 7 normal cases were taken as control .

  25. 结论补锌对铅中毒大鼠海马nNOS神经元的活性和数量都有提高,预防性补锌的效果更好。

    Conclusion The activity of NOS and nNOS positive neuron amount of hippocampus were elevated by reinforcing zinc , furthermore , Prophylactic reinforcing zinc was preferably well .

  26. 结论:在铅中毒的同时及其后,补充维生素C、维生素E可降低血铅,升高血铁浓度,恢复ALAD和Hb的活性,改善铅导致的血液系统损伤。

    Conclusion : Supplied Prophylactically or treat with Vitamin E ^ Vitamin C can low blood lead level , increase Fe level , recover activity of ALAD and Hb , decrease injury of blood system by lead .

  27. [目的]探讨基质γ-羧基谷氨酸蛋白(MGP)和氨基乙酰丙酸脱水酶(ALAD)基因多态性在儿童铅中毒发生过程中的作用。

    [ Objective ] To explore the association of polymorphisms of MGP gene and ALAD gene with lead poisoning in children .

  28. 目的研究铅中毒与尿视黄醇结合蛋白(URBP)排泄含量的关系,进而探讨URBP在铅中毒早期筛查、诊断中的价值。

    Objective The correlation between lead poisoning and urinary retinol binding protein ( URBP ) excretion and the significance in screening and diagnosis for lead poisoning patients were studied .

  29. 方法4周龄健康Wistar雄性大鼠36只,分为对照组、铅中毒组、葡萄糖酸锌治疗组,每组12只。

    Methods Thirty-six Wistar male rats aged 4 weeks were divided into 3 groups : a blank group , a lead poisoning group and a therapeutic group ( treated with Zinc Gluconate ), 12 rats in each group .

  30. 目的:为了探讨中枢神经系统铅中毒的生化机制,测定染铅鼠脑海马区神经细胞的PKC活性的改变。

    Objective : In order to understand the biochemical mechanism of lead induced impairment of central nerve system , the changes of protein kinase C activity of hippocampal zone of lead exposure rat brain were studied .