- ankerite;ferrodolomite;parankerite

X-ray studies show that carbonate minerals are aragonite , high-Mg calcite , and lesser dolomite , ankerite and siderite . 2 . Rich magnesium calcite organism accumulation zone , whose depth distribution ranges from 60-400m ;
Ankerite microclinite , a special type of rock , is closely related to the ore-forming process of massive sulfide deposits in the East Liaoning Proterozoic rift .
By analysis to X-ray diffraction spectrum , computing out the mole factions of Ca and Mg ions , distinguishing out ankerite and ferrodolomite , for studying the diagenesis and dolomitization model , the experiment basis is provided .
Fe-carbonates include early ankerite-dolomite , ankerite and later siderite with calcite and quartz .
Ferriferous dolomite quartz veins ;
Gold carrier minerals are fine-grained pyrite , recrystallized quartz aggregates , and ferrodolomite along foliations of mylonite .
Carbonatite is a light grey or offwhite igneous rock rich in carbonate minerals ( calcite , dolomite , ankerite etc. , above 50 % ) .
There are two ore types : quartz vein and pyrite type , ore minerals are mainly pyrite and galena , gangue minerals are mainly quartz and iron-rich dolomites .
Orthopyroxene and olivine spinifex shows intermediate hollow skeletal crystal , most of which are replaced by talc , ankerite , chlorite and magnetite , but still keeps undamaged columnar pseudomorphism ;
Carbonates are the most abundant cements in the Palaeogene sandstones of Lishui Sag , East China Sea basin , which mainly consist of ankerite and calcite and have distinctive stratigraphic distribution and geometry .
The top and bottom of gold quartz vein were enveloped by ferroan dolomite altered rocks and mylonites , the gold content of some altered rocks had reached the industrial tenor , so the gold lode was composed of quartz vein and altered rocks .
The main diagenetic events such as compaction , cementation of calcite , quartz , ferroan calcite , ferroan dolomite started successively .
Carbonate cement is universally more than 10 % in sandstones of the upper Yungang formation in Yungang Grottoes area . It 's mainly composed of ferriferous calcite and ferriferous dolomite .
Iron ore 18.1 % of the total iron found in dolomite , chlorite , pyrite and chalcopyrite , and limit recovery rate of iron concentrate .
The main type of carbonate cement was calcite cementing , with little ferrocalcite cement and rare ferrodolomite cement .