  • drill;bore;go through;penetrate

  • drill;auger;diamond;jewel
  • drill;bore
  • 用锥状的物体在另一物体上转动穿孔:~孔。~木取火。~探。

  • 进入:~心。~营。

  • 穿孔洞的用具:~床。~头。电~。


(用尖物在另一物体上转动) drill; bore:

  • 钻个眼儿

    drill a hole; bore


(穿过; 进入) go through; penetrate; pierce; get into:

  • 钻山洞

    pass through a tunnel; get into a cave;

  • 钻进密林深处

    go deep into a forest;

  • 月亮从云缝里钻了出来。

    The moon broke through the clouds.

  • 我冷得钻心。

    The cold pierced me to the heart.


(钻研) make a penetrating study of; study intensively; dig into:

  • 钻书本

    dig into books;

  • 钻上了数学

    study hard at mathematics;

  • 他要是钻一个问题, 就非钻个水落石出不可。

    When he digs into a problem he does not give up until he gets to the bottom.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 钻荼

    Zuan Tu


(打眼用的工具) drill; auger:

  • 台钻

    bench drill;

  • 麻花钻

    fluted or twist drill;

  • 手摇钻

    hand drill; crank [manual] auger


(指钻石) diamond; jewel:

  • 钻戒

    diamond ring;

  • 17钻的手表

    a 17-jewel watch


(用尖物在另一物体上转动) drill; bore:

  • 在墙上钻个眼

    bore a hole in wall

  1. 这把钻足以钻透坚固的岩石。

    The drill is strong enough to bore through solid rock .

  2. 在构架上钻一串孔。

    Drill a series of holes in the frame .

  3. 支付现金红利制度可能被人钻空子。

    The system of paying cash bonuses is open to abuse .

  4. 我必须弓着身子才能钻到桌子底下。

    I had to bend double to get under the table .

  5. 这是一物多用,既是瓶塞钻,又是开瓶器。

    It 's a corkscrew and bottle-opener all in one .

  6. 警察从一扇破窗户里钻了进去。

    The police gained access through a broken window .

  7. 她从翻了的车里钻出来,只擦破一点皮,碰了几块淤青。

    She emerged from the overturned car with only a few scrapes and bruises .

  8. 喧闹的摇滚乐直往我们耳朵里钻。

    Loud rock music assaulted our ears .

  9. 她给他设下圈套,他就径直钻了进去。

    She had set a trap for him and he had walked straight into it .

  10. 他钻到毯子下面。

    He burrowed down beneath the blankets .

  11. 蚯蚓钻土很深。

    Earthworms burrow deep into the soil .

  12. 毛虫钻入果实,并在其中生长为成虫。

    The caterpillars tunnel into the fruit to grow and mature .

  13. 年轻人对如何钻制度的空子学得最快。

    Youngsters learn nothing so fast as how to beat the system

  14. 窗户对他来说实在太小,他钻不过去。

    The window was far too small for him to get through

  15. 耗时五年才钻到了基岩。

    It took five years to drill down to bedrock .

  16. 一只鸽子从塔里钻出来,扑扑地拍打着翅膀。

    A pigeon emerges , wings flapping noisily , from the tower .

  17. 这些罪犯知道如何钻体制的空子以逃脱惩罚。

    The criminals know how to play the system and get away with it

  18. 打钻和提钻时要保持钻头平稳。

    Keep the drill steady while it ascends and descends

  19. 打钻时,他们不小心钻破了一根燃气管道。

    They had accidentally damaged a gas pipe while drilling

  20. 他在莉莉卧室的墙上钻了个孔。

    He drilled into the wall of Lili 's bedroom

  21. 只见亮闪闪的蓝色羽毛一闪,一只松鸦从刺柏丛中钻了出来。

    A jay emerged from the juniper bush in a flash of blue feathers .

  22. 我钻到崭新洁净的被单底下。

    I slipped between the crisp clean sheets .

  23. 边缘必须互搭在一起,否则杂草会从缝隙中钻出来。

    The edges must overlap each other or weeds will push through the gaps .

  24. 蚂蚁从地下成群地钻出来,爬满了她的鞋子和双腿。

    Ants swarmed up out of the ground and covered her shoes and legs .

  25. 很多入室盗窃案都是年轻人干的,他们可以从狭小的窗口钻进去。

    Many break-ins are carried out by youngsters who can squeeze through tiny windows .

  26. 做这个活儿要拿个特殊的钻头来钻个大小合适的孔。

    Get the special drill bit to bore the correct-size hole for the job .

  27. 我钻了5个等间距的孔。

    I drilled five holes at equal distance .

  28. 那次行动的重点是一口深达1英里的井,最初钻那口井是为了勘探石油。

    Central to the operation is a mile-deep well , dug originally to explore for oil

  29. 他们觉得他太没种,居然钻漏洞逃避服役。

    They felt he had been cowardly in manipulating the system to avoid the draft .

  30. 虚张声势吓唬别人,让他钻入圈套,用计将他击败,没有比这更刺激的事情了。

    There is no greater thrill than to bluff a man , trap him and outfox him .