
  • 网络Miss Qian;Moneypenny;Miss Moneypenny
  1. 钱小姐不断接触我和我们的友谊已经建立起来。

    Miss Qian keeps in touch me and our friendship has been built up .

  2. 钱宁小姐想让自己看起来像是

    Miss Channing wants you to see her looking like the girl

  3. 那样你就没钱叫小姐了

    And then you won 't be able to buy your whores .

  4. 默茜·钱特小姐正快步走去加入她们,她是他父亲家邻居的独生女。

    Walking quickly to join them was Miss Mercy Chant , only daughter of his father 's neighbour .

  5. 钱宁小姐,你知道你父亲有任何未注册在他名下的资产吗

    Miss Channing , are you aware of any accounts opened under any names other than your father 's ?

  6. 钱宁小姐,你对于钱宁投资财团的一切诈财事宜有任何了解吗

    Miss Channing , do you have any knowledge of embezzlement of any kind taking place at the Channing investment group ?

  7. 我们不要你父亲的钱,佛斯特小姐。

    We don 't want your father 's money , miss foster .

  8. 事实上,是钱娜德。邦小姐。

    Actually , it 's miss chinandolor bong .

  9. 被我察觉多收了钱后,蜜蜂小姐毫无难堪之色,她越过镜框瞥了我一眼,然后把价格改了过来。

    She didn 't seem embarrassed that I had caught her overcharging . She just looked at me over her glasses and fixed the price .