
  • 网络calcipotriol;Calcipotriene;Daivonex
  1. 窄波UVB311nm与宽波UVB疗法联合局部外用钙泊三醇与安慰剂治疗白癜风的比较研究

    Narrow-band UVB 311 nm vs. broad-band UVB therapy in combination with topical calcipotriol vs. placebo in vitiligo

  2. 背景资料:目前有关于白癜风患者使用PUVA和钙泊三醇联合疗法及单一使用钙泊三醇治疗的反应的报道。

    BACKGROUND : There are several reports on the response rate of patients with vitiligo treated with the combination of PUVA and calcipotriol or calcipotriol alone .

  3. 窄波UVB联合局部外用钙泊三醇治疗白癜风

    Combination of narrow band UVB and topical calcipotriol for the treatment of vitiligo

  4. 单纯用钙泊三醇后再用钙泊三醇/倍他米松二丙酸盐与Tacalcitol治疗寻常银屑病疗效比较:随机双盲试验

    Efficacy of treatment with calcipotriol / betamethasone dipropionate followed by calcipotriol alone compared with tacalcitol for the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris : A randomised , double-blind trial

  5. 钙泊三醇软膏与糠酸莫米松乳膏联合治疗银屑病的临床研究

    Treatment of psoriasis with calcipotriol ointment in combination with mometasone cream

  6. 钙泊三醇软膏治疗稳定期斑块型银屑病20例临床观察

    20 Cases of plaque psoriasis treated with calcipotriol ointment

  7. 1%吡美莫司、0.005%钙泊三醇和0.1%倍他米松治疗擦烂型银屑病:一项双盲、随机、对照研究

    1 % Pimecrolimus , 0.005 % calcipotriol , and 0.1 % betamethasone in the treatment of intertriginous psoriasis : A double-blind , randomized controlled study

  8. 2次/d应用钙泊三醇软膏和1次/d短期应用地蒽酚乳膏治疗:一项按日间用药程序指导性治疗寻常型银屑病的随机对照试验

    A comparison of twice-daily calcipotriol ointment with once-daily short-contact dithranol cream therapy : A randomized controlled trial of supervised treatment of psoriasis vulgaris in a day-care setting

  9. 结论:钙泊三醇软膏能有效改善银屑病患者皮肤组织病理变化,促进皮损区病变消失,是目前治疗银屑病较理想的外用药物之一。

    Conclusion : 0.005 % calcipotriol ointment was a effective agent for the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris , which can improved the histopathologic change of psoriasis vulgaris .