
  • 网络Financial summit
  1. 几个星期后,他们将在伦敦召开的一次国际金融峰会上再次会晤。

    They will meet again in a few weeks at an international financial summit in London .

  2. 两周后,全球金融峰会将在华盛顿召开。

    And in two weeks ' time , the global financial summit will be taking place in Washington .

  3. G20金融峰会后国际货币基金组织改革问题探讨

    Discussion on IMF reform after G20 Summit

  4. 彼得森国际经济研究所所长佛瑞德.伯格斯滕(FredBergsten)也认为,在这次全球金融峰会上,各国领导人避免争议和分歧至关重要。

    Fred Bergsten , the respected director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics , says it is essential that the leaders avoid controversy and discord .

  5. 我们也愿与美国等有关各方一道,推动伦敦金融峰会在华盛顿金融峰会的基础上取得积极成果。

    We also want to work with the United States and other countries for positive outcomes at the London G20 summit on the basis of the achievements of the Washington summit .

  6. 我们也愿与加方及其他各方共同努力,推动20国集团第三次金融峰会在前两次峰会基础上取得更多积极成果。

    We would also like to make joint efforts with Canada and other parties concerned for more positive outcomes at the third G20 financial summit in Pittsburg on the basis of the two previous summits .

  7. 正如北约的四月峰会将显示大西洋两岸在硬实力上的团结程度,同理,稍前在伦敦举行的金融峰会将成为国际合作应付经济危机的重要风向标。

    Just as Nato 's April summit will reveal the extent of transatlantic unity on hard power , so a financial summit in London just beforehand will be the chief indicator of international co-operation on the economic crisis .

  8. 布朗表示,他期待出席下个月在美国举行的世界领导人金融峰会,讨论合作制定经济复苏措施的问题。

    Mr. Brown said he looks forward to attending a summit of world leaders soon to discuss cooperative economic recovery measures . That gathering will be held in the United States sometime shortly after the November presidential election .

  9. 伦敦金融峰会体现了各国领导人致力于通过加强合作转危为机、走上复苏的道路,中、英、美等国与其他与会各方紧密合作。

    The London Summit demonstrated the commitment of leaders to turn the crisis into opportunities through stronger cooperation and to get on the path to recovery . China , the UK , and the US worked closely with all the other participants .

  10. 新的一年,我们将继续以20国集团金融峰会等重大多边活动为主要平台,积极参与国际体系变革进程,维护发展中国家利益。

    In the new year , we will continue to use the G20 financial summit and other major multilateral activities as our main platforms for actively participating in the process of change in the international system and safeguarding the interests of developing countries .

  11. 双方积极评价二十国集团三次金融峰会在应对国际金融危机方面所发挥的重要作用,愿与二十国集团其他成员一道努力提高作为国际经济合作主要论坛的二十国集团的效力。

    The two sides commended the important role of the three G-20 summits in tackling the global financial crisis , and committed to work with other members of the G-20 to enhance the G-20 " s effectiveness as the premier forum for international economic cooperation .

  12. 来自主要发展中国家和发达国家的领导人将于11月15日前来华盛顿出席全球金融峰会,讨论如何振兴日益疲软的世界经济。专家预期,各国领导人将在这次峰会上提出增加政府开支以促进经济增长的计划。

    Global Financial Summit May Endorse Increased Government Spending As leaders of leading developing and advanced economies prepare to meet in Washington November 15 to discuss weakening conditions in the global economy , there is an expectation that they will endorse increased government spending to maintain economic growth .

  13. 华盛顿将在下个星期召开一次金融危机峰会。

    Washington will hold a financial crisis summit next month .

  14. 英国将在今年4月主办下一次由工业化国家和新兴经济体组成的20国集团金融危机峰会。

    Britain is due to host the next financial crisis summit of the G-20 group of industrialized and emerging economies in April .

  15. 武·Xiaoling,中国人民银行的前副行长,在周末在上海举行的金融会议上说峰会不可能结出太多果实。

    Wu Xiaoling , former vice governor of the People 's Bank of China , told a financial conference in Shanghai at the weekend that the summit was unlikely to bear much fruit .

  16. 巴罗佐表示,尽管金融危机是这次峰会的首要议题,但是在一系列至关重要的世界性议题上合作同等重要。

    Despite the financial crisis topping the meeting agenda , Barroso said equally important was working together on a range of critical world issues .