
  • 网络Leontopithecus rosalia
  1. 他们还会雌雄分工养育宝宝,雄性有时会在雌性喂养宝宝时背着别的宝宝,一如我们人类里的雅皮士奶爸(金狮面狨的宝宝们一般是双胞胎)。

    Both genders split responsibility for raising their young , with males sometimes carrying babies on their backs between feedings , as if they were human yuppie dads . ( Their young are usually twins . )

  2. 你可能不会轻易见到“美国偶像”的嘉宾评委,但却可以看到亚马逊雨林里的摇滚明星金狮绢毛猴(金狮面狨)。

    You probably won 't see one as a guest judge on " American Idol " any time soon , but golden lion tamarins ( Leontopithecus rosalia ) are the rock stars of the Amazonian rain forest .