
jīn tiáo
  • gold bar;bullion
金条 [jīn tiáo]
  • [gold bar] 由黄金铸成的条状物,每条重十两,也有五两或二十两的

金条[jīn tiáo]
  1. 在距该店不远的一家中国银行(bankofchina),值班经理抱歉地表示,他目前库里只剩一根金条。

    At a nearby bank of China branch , the duty manager says apologetically that he has only one gold bar left in stock .

  2. 金条销售的增长一直相当显著。

    The growth in gold bar sales has been really pronounced .

  3. 警方已大举搜捕抢劫金条的罪犯。

    Police have launched a man-hunt for the bullion robbers .

  4. 至少一家公司已经看到黄金价格的未来:“GoldtoGo”黄金自动售货机提供不同重量的金条。

    At least one company sees promise in gold prices : Gold to Go is a German company that sells automatic teller machines that dispense gold bars .

  5. 据澳大利亚SBS广播台报道,该商人是在新加坡的时候吞下的金条(为了混过安检走私入境),然后在3月28日飞回了印度。

    According to SBS , the businessman had swallowed the bars in Singapore and then traveled to India on March 28 .

  6. 之所以这么做,是因为ETF比起金条来方便了无数倍。

    They are doing this since ETFs are infinitely more convenient than gold bars .

  7. 而反过来,福特公司(Ford)的生产线每一辆新车下线,又是否会改变英格兰银行地下金库中那些重量不差毫分的金条的价值?

    Conversely , will every new Ford which rolls from the line change the value of those so-accurately weighed bars under Threadneedle Street ?

  8. 人们可以像操作ATM机一样,从这台柜机里购买24K的纯金金币和金条。

    People could buy24-caratgold from this machine .

  9. 投资者通过金币、金条以及交易所交易基金(ETF),对铂的需求比2007年增加了150%。

    Investor demand for platinum through coins , bars and exchange traded funds was up 150 per cent compared with 2007 .

  10. 在2000年和2001年,德国央行决定,从英国央行(bankofEngland)运回国内940吨金条,以节约英国央行收取的保管费用。法国和美国则不收取保管费。

    In 2000 and 2001 it decided to bring home 940 tonnes of gold bullion from the Bank of England to save money on the storage fees that the UK central bank levies , unlike its French and US counterparts .

  11. 美国哥伦比亚搜寻公司组织了一个打捞团队来寻找残骸地点,在1987年的9月找到了SS中美洲号,大量的金条和金币重现天日。

    The Columbus-America Discovery Group , a salvage operation assembled to locate the wreck , found the SS Central America in September 1987 , recovering vast quantities of gold worth .

  12. CGS金条目前主要通过中国14个大城市的中国商业银行销售。

    The CGS gold bars are currently sold through major outlets of China Merchants Bank in14 big cities .

  13. 手术是在4月9日进行,医生们告诉BBC,警察及海关当局已经对这位富商进行了盘问,并没收了金条。

    Doctors , who performed the operation on 9 April , told the BBC that police and customs authorities had questioned the businessman and confiscated the gold .

  14. “CGS金条在北京、天津、广州、和长江三角洲特别畅销,”王经理说。

    " They are selling particularly well in Beijing , Tianjin , Guangzhou and the Yangtze River Delta ," Wang says .

  15. 四年前,当巴塞罗那足球俱乐部(FCBarcelona)在签入内马尔(Neymar)的合同中加入一条2.22亿欧元的解约金条款时,俱乐部官员认为没有竞争对手能够出得起这样的天文数字费用。

    When FC Barcelona inserted a 222m buyout clause into the contract of new signing Neymar four years ago , club officials believed no rival could afford such an astronomical fee .

  16. 金融市场的紧张情绪、经济的不确定性、对纸币价值可能会重挫的担心,都使得投资者把目光转向了金币、金条和以黄金为担保的交易所交易基金(ETF)。

    Nervousness in financial markets , economic uncertainty and fears that paper currencies could tumble in value have all drawn investors to gold coins , bars and exchange-traded funds backed by gold .

  17. 碰巧,我在图坦卡蒙博物馆举行的会议上获悉,瑞士一些ETF正打算安装网络摄像头监控金条,以缓解上述担忧。

    As it happens , I was told at the conference in the Tutankhamun museum that some Swiss ETFs are now trying to allay any such concerns by installing webcams to monitor those bars .

  18. 据BBC报道,在面对英美媒体,表达自己的观点,马云常会运用很多生动形象比喻,比如,池塘里的鱼,以及天上掉下的金条。

    Describing his ideas to press in the US and UK , according to BBC , Ma often uses a dizzying array of visual symbols , such fish in a pond and gold bars falling from the sky .

  19. CGS金条的定价主要根据伦敦贵金属交易所的每日价格,同时参考上海黄金交易所的牌价。

    Pricing of the CGS bars is based on daily gold prices on the London Precious Metal Exchange , with quotations on the Shanghai Gold Exchange serving as a reference .

  20. 全球市值最大的珠宝商、总部位于香港的周大福(ChowTaiFook)表示,在中国内地光顾最多的地区的部分门店,金条已经售罄。

    Chow Tai Fook - the Hong Kong-based company that is the world 's biggest jeweller by market capitalisation - said some stores in areas popular with mainland Chinese tourists had sold out of gold bars .

  21. 以色列小姐:LinaMakhuli通过乳沟处巨大的大卫之星(犹太教标志)和手上非常飘逸的金条布料来展示犹太人的特色。

    Miss Israel : Lina Makhuli marked her Jewish identity with an oversized Star of David resting on her cleavage and some interesting gold drapery hanging from her arms .

  22. 在瑞士海关统计部门工作的哈桑德米尔(HasanDemir)表示:瑞士公司在熔炼纯金金条方面享有极佳的声誉。

    Hasan Demir , who works in the statistics department at Swiss customs , said : Swiss firms enjoy an excellent reputation for smelting pure gold bars .

  23. 该街区的许多人来自南亚,正在庆祝排灯节。店主VikramSantilal说,在每年的这个时间购买金条或金币是传统行为。

    Many in this neighborhood are from South Asia and are celebrating Diwali . Store manager Vikram Santilal says buying gold bars or coins is traditional at this time of year .

  24. 上周五早上,在北京最大的金店菜百(Caibai),购买投资级金条的人们排起了长队。

    At Beijing 's largest gold store Caibai a long queue formed to buy investment-grade bullion on Friday morning .

  25. 大多数现代黄金信徒实际上并非购买金条然后埋在花园里,而是购买ETF(一种金融创新产品,投资者购买的是由集体拥有的一批黄金中的一份,类似于股票共同基金)。

    And most modern gold devotees are not actually buying gold bars to bury in the garden , but instead acquiring ETFs ( a financial innovation which entails buying a stake in a collectively held pool of gold , comparable to an equity mutual fund ) .

  26. 根据梅尔费舍尔海洋博物馆的资料,Atocha号的货物有24吨的银条,1.8万的银比索,582块紫铜锭,125块金条和重达1200磅的银器。

    According to the Mel Fisher Maritime Museum , the Atocha 's cargo included 24 tons of silver bullion , 18,000 pesos of silver coins , 582 copper ingots , 125 gold bars and 1,200 lbs. of silverware .

  27. 这些1千克重的金条的价格每条售价50000美元。

    These one-kilogram gold bars sell for about $ 50000 each .

  28. 我们能在5分钟内买好金条。

    We can have the gold bullion purchased in five minutes .

  29. 福特·诺克斯家的地窖里藏了很多金条。

    Much bullion is stored in the vaults at Fort Knox .

  30. 里面可能有货币,金条,画,雕刻品。

    It could contain currency , gold ingots , paintings and engravings .