
  • 网络Venus atmosphere;Atmosphere of Venus
  1. 1978年12月,金星先驱者1号探测器和轨道飞行器,测定了金星大气层中的氩同位素。

    In December 1978 , the Pioneer Venus 1 probe and orbiter measured argon isotopes in the atmosphere of Venus .

  2. 结果表明,地球和金星大气层的半寿命远超过宇宙年龄(约1010y),因而是非常稳定的。

    It is shown the half life times of atmosphere for Earth and Venus are much greater than the universe age (~ 1010y ), the atmospheres for both are very stable .

  3. 另一艘则分化成五个探测器,进入金星大气层,然后降落到该行星的表面。

    The second spacecraft separated into five probes that entered Venus 's atmosphere and descended to the surface of the planet .

  4. 根据数学表达式,假定不同的大气温度,计算了地球和金星大气层的半寿命。

    The expressions are given . The half life times of atmosphere on Earth and Venus for different temperature distributions are calculated from the formula .

  5. 天文学家在金星的大气层中发现了可能存在生命的信号。

    Astronomers have found a potential signal of life in the atmosphere of Venus .

  6. 今天世界时23:08:19,“信使”号将掠过金星的大气层,使其减速落向太阳和最内部的行星。

    Today at23:08:19 Universal Time ( 16:08:19 PDT ), MESSENGER will skim Venus'atmosphere , shedding velocity to drop it toward the Sun and the innermost planet .

  7. 近年来发现金星厚厚的大气层的来源已经成为令人惊讶的和我们所有人都在这个地球上有关。

    In recent years finding the source of Venus thick atmosphere has become surprisingly relevant for all of us down here on earth .

  8. 而金星上的大气层,则是由我们几乎无法呼吸的气体构成的。

    The atmosphere on Mars is very thin and contains very little oxygen , while that of Venus is made up of gases which we could not possibly breathe .

  9. 不过,由于金星表面的稠密大气层环流速度非常快,所以处于白天和黑夜的两个半球之间的温度基本相同。

    However , its thick atmosphere circulates quite quickly , which results in the day and the night side having about the same temperature .

  10. 这幅图像不寻常之处在于微暗的弧线已经超出金星暗面的那部分大小,此状况是由于阳光通过了金星的稠密大气层。

    What makes the image remarkable are the faint arcs extending beyond the sunlit crescent around to the night side of Venus , due to sunlight filtering through the planet 's dense atmosphere .