
  • 网络gold bracelet;golden bracelet;Gold Bangle
  1. 他的右腕上戴着一只沉甸甸的金手镯。

    Hanging from his right wrist is a heavy gold bracelet .

  2. 一只金手镯在他的左手腕上晃来晃去。

    A gold bracelet dangled from his left wrist

  3. 她手臂上的金手镯丁零当啷地响。

    The golden bangles on her arms clashed and jingled .

  4. 她留下她的金手镯作抵押品。

    She left her gold bracelet as a pledge .

  5. 在我们的周年纪念日那天,他向我展示了一副可爱的金手镯。

    On our anniversary , he presented me with a lovely gold bracelet2 .

  6. 罗马尼亚内政部在声明里还指出,这件纯度为24K的古罗马风格的金手镯重量超过了1公斤,一家位于美国纽约的美术馆正试图以9万欧元的价格将其拿到市场上出售。

    It said the24-carat Roman-Dacian bracelet , weighing more than a kilogram ( 2.2 pounds ), had been put up for sale by a New York-based gallery at a price of90,000 euros ( $ 114,000 ) .

  7. 她有一个镶珠宝的金手镯。

    She has a gold bracelet that was beset with jewels .

  8. 金手镯、金戒指、金表

    A gold bracelet , ring , watch , etc

  9. 她戴着个冕状头饰、一条钻石项链还有一个金手镯&全套首饰!

    She was wearing a tiara , a diamond necklace and a gold bracelet the works !

  10. 在墓穴内,研究人员还发现了金手镯,一个香盒以及金发簪。

    Within the tomb , researchers also uncovered gold bracelets , a fragrance box andgold hairpins .

  11. 当时的情况实在太差了,父亲终究不得不把金手镯卖掉。

    The situation became so dire that my father was forced to sell the gold bangles .

  12. 第一件是一个金手镯,它不是一个完整的圆。

    The first piece is a bracelet , it 's made of gold , it 's not a complete circle .

  13. 6年前在位于罗马尼亚特兰西瓦尼亚地区的一个考古发掘地内曾有15件文物被窃贼盗走,这个金手镯就是其中之一。

    The bracelet is one of a collection of15 pieces believed dug up by thieves from an archaeological site in Transylvania six years ago .

  14. 两项比赛的快感,当她发现一个盒子,里面装着一个订单精工,一类中的一个金手镯,她早晨一直向往多时。

    Beverley was ecstatic when she discovered a box containing a hand crafted , one of a kind gold bracelet that she 'd been admiring for quite some time .

  15. 为女孩子找一枚镶着她们生日石的金戒指或手镯吧。

    Look for a nice gold ring or bracelet with their borth stone for a girl .

  16. 配饰选金饰品厚重的手镯或手链都很好然后搭配棕色、灰褐色或者奶油色的包包和鞋子。

    Accessories with gold jewellery - chunky bangles and chains work well - then add brown , taupe or cream bags and shoes to finish .

  17. 戴上那对金圈耳环(理查德说她戴了像个轻佻女子)和金手镯。

    The gold hoop earrings Richard said made her look like a hussy and a gold bracelet .

  18. 普盖经常在全身都穿上黄金:手指上戴着金戒指、脖子上戴着金项链、手腕上戴着沉甸甸的图章戒指和厚重的金手镯,胸前还戴着一块大奖章。

    Mr Phuge often wore gold all over his body : his knuckles , neck , and wrists were weighed down by signet rings , chunky bracelets , and a medallion .