
cǎi méi ɡōnɡ zuò miàn
  • coal face
  1. 采煤工作面分源稀释CH4的供风量计算方法

    Calculating Method of Wind Supply Volume by Separating Source Diluting CH_4 at Coal Face

  2. 论采煤工作面支护

    Expound on Support at Coal Face A New Theory on Tax Arrears

  3. 采煤工作面地质异常体震波CT探测技术

    Application of seismic wave CT technology to detect geological abnormal structure in coal mining face

  4. 同时,通过邻城相互作用算法与BP网络耦合,预报了采煤工作面顶板来压。

    The second aspect is the prediction of the likely future weighting of main roof through hybrid algorithms of the neighbourhood interaction operation and the neural networks .

  5. PROMOS系统在采煤工作面三机联锁控制中的应用

    Application of interlock control with PROMOS system in working face

  6. 针对U采煤工作面上隅角瓦斯积聚,提出了脉冲射流驱散上隅角积聚瓦斯的新理论和新技术。

    Aimed at the problem of gas accumulation in upper corner of " U " working face , the paper puts forward the new technology of eliminating gas accumulation in upper corner by pulse jet .

  7. 简要介绍了VR和VRML(虚拟现实建模语言),说明了建立连续采煤工作面三维虚拟现实VRML模型的方法;

    At first , an introduction of VR and VRML ( virtual reality modeling language ) is given , and the methods on creating VRML 3D models of continual mining working surface is introduced .

  8. 机械化采煤工作面系统参数监测与预测研究

    Study of Monitoring and Predicting of Systematic Parameters in Mechanized Coalface

  9. 采煤工作面初次放顶的技术与管理

    Technology and control of first roof caving in coal working face

  10. 采煤工作面顶板事故分析与预防

    Analysis on Roof - fall Accidents in CoalFaces and Their Prevention

  11. 均匀供冷采煤工作面送风器的布置

    Layout of Delivery Equipment in Coal Face with Event Cooling Supply

  12. 高承压水上采煤工作面斜长的确定方法

    The delimiting method of the stope width under high-pressure aquifer

  13. 采煤工作面沿空留巷的实用效益

    Practical Benefit of Retaining Roadways Along Goaf at Coal Face

  14. 现代制造方法及其在采煤工作面中的应用

    Modern Manufacturing Methods and Their Applications on Coal Mining Face

  15. 不规则采煤工作面设备拆除工艺

    The equipment dismantling technology in the irregular mining work face

  16. 低透气性单一煤层采煤工作面瓦斯防治措施

    Gas-prevention measures in coal face of single seam with low air permeability

  17. 连续采煤工作面掘进施工工艺探讨

    Approaching the Excavation Crafts of Coal Mining on the Successive Coal Face

  18. 采煤工作面实施短孔注水降尘的实践

    Practice on Dust Removal by Short-orifice Water-flooding on Working Faces

  19. 采煤工作面内陷落柱超前探测技术与应用

    The leading survey technology and its applications of collapse-columns in coal faces

  20. 本文同时介绍了其在采煤工作面中应用与展望。

    Application of a new pattern of hydraulic propeller in mining face ;

  21. 43001采煤工作面上邻近层穿层钻孔瓦斯抽放

    Gas Drainage by Boring Near Seam at 43001 Coal Face

  22. 采煤工作面矿压观测及观测软件

    Coal face ground pressure observation and its relevant observation software

  23. 综合机械化采煤工作面合理长度的确定

    Determination of the rational length of the fully - mechanized coal face

  24. 论综放工作面设备的选型配套论采煤工作面支护

    Study on Equipment Matching of Fully Mechanized Top - Coal Caving Face

  25. 采煤工作面上隅角瓦斯积聚成因与处理对策

    Gas Accumulation Origin and Dealing Countermeasure in Upper Corner of Coal Face

  26. 大倾角采煤工作面设备防倒、防滑的应用技术研究

    Mining Equipment Steep Face-down , Anti-skid Application of Technology Research

  27. 伪倾斜柔性掩护支架采煤工作面管理信息系统分析

    Systematic Analysis of Management Information System for False-inclined Flexible Shield Coal Face

  28. 浅谈采煤工作面见四放一管理顶板

    Discussion on the Roof Management in the Working Surface

  29. 采煤工作面底板突水的预测预报方法

    Multi-parameter test method of prediction of water inrush from floor of working face

  30. 采煤工作面采动裂隙带的确定方法

    The determination of the cracked field on coal face