
sū yóu
  • butter
酥油 [sū yóu]
  • [butter] 从牛奶、羊奶中提出来的脂肪

酥油[sū yóu]
  1. 热搅拌直到酥油是滴。

    Heat and stir until butter is melted .

  2. 结果表明,用微胶囊粉工业化生产的酥油茶粉口感好、速溶性好,易于保存。

    The result shows that the powder of butter with tea produced by microencapsulation technology has good taste and instant capacity and is easy to conserve .

  3. 保洁公司(ProcterGambleCo.)利用这种更廉价的动物脂肪替代品,推出了Crisco蔬菜起酥油。

    Procter Gamble Co. took advantage of the cheaper alternative to animal fat , introducing Crisco vegetable shortening .

  4. 保洁公司(Procter&GambleCo.)利用这种更廉价的动物脂肪替代品,推出了Crisco蔬菜起酥油。

    Procter & Gamble Co. took advantage of the cheaper alternative to animal fat , introducing Crisco vegetable shortening .

  5. 配料:小麦粉、植物起酥油、白砂糖、山梨醇、全脂奶粉、碳酸钙、膨松剂、香兰素、维生素D3。

    Ingredients : Wheat flour , Vegetable Shortening , Refined Cane Sugar , Sorbitol , Whole Milk Powder , Calcium Carbonate , Baking Powder , Vanilla Flavor , Vitamin D3 .

  6. 部分氢化油是在100年前发明的,很快就以人造黄油和起酥油(如Crisco)的形式风靡起来,再后来它被加入了成千上万种其他产品中,并用作煎炸油或咖啡伴侣。

    Partially hydrogenated oils were invented 100 years ago , and quickly became popular in the form of margarine and vegetable shortening , like Crisco ; their inclusion in thousands of other products and use as frying oil or coffee whitener is more recent .

  7. 部分氢化油是在100年前发明的,很快就以人造黄油和起酥油(如Crisco)的形式风靡起来,再后来它被加入了成千上万种其他产品中,并用作煎炸油或咖啡“伴侣”。

    Partially hydrogenated oils were invented 100 years ago , and quickly became popular in the form of margarine and vegetable shortening , like Crisco ; their inclusion in thousands of other products and use as frying oil or coffee " whitener " is more recent .

  8. 在那里喝喝酥油茶,暖和暖和。

    There I drank some buttered tea to warm myself .

  9. 流态起酥油对冷冻面团烘焙特性的影响研究

    Effects of fluid shortening on the baking properties of frozen bread doughs

  10. 人造奶油、起酥油品质劣化原因的探讨

    Discussion on the Quality Badness Cause of Margarine and Shortening

  11. 她不用任何起酥油,只用纯天然黄油。

    She uses no shortening in her creations ; only pure butter .

  12. 大牛,你别光顾着喝酥油茶。

    Daniel , don 't just drink you buttered tea .

  13. 做糕点得用起酥油。

    You have to use shortening to make pastry .

  14. 生面团含酥油,面包通常也填充有蔬菜。

    The dough contains ghee and the bread is usually stuffed with vegetables .

  15. 然后她就开始吃一个很大的夹满肉的酥油饼。

    She then began to eat a large pastry roll filled with meat .

  16. 牛油基起酥油起砂原因分析(Ⅱ)&结晶动力学、晶体形态

    Cause Analysis of Sandiness in Beef Tallow-Based Shortening (ⅱ) & Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology

  17. 给你尝尝草原上的酥油茶。

    Please try the milk tea of steppe .

  18. 棕榈油不需要氢化&谈谈棕榈油在人造奶油、起酥油生产中的应用

    Palm Oil Needs No Hydrogenation : Production of Margarine and Shortening from Palm Oil

  19. 牦牛酥油脂肪酸组成及其对小鼠血脂的影响

    Fatty acid composition of yak coarse butter and its effects on mouse blood lipid profile

  20. 饼干中含有大约30%的起酥油,而面包中基本没有,所以存在着如此大的差异。

    The biscuit contain about 30 % shorting oil , but the bread is not .

  21. 他们邀请我们去家中做客,拿出酥油茶和荞麦饼招待我们。

    We were welcomed into homes and fed impossibly rich yak-butter tea and raw barley cookies .

  22. 无氢化全植物性人造奶油和起酥油新油源的探索&Ⅰ

    The Research of Entire Plant Margarine and Shortening Being Non Hydrogenated as a New OiI Source ─ⅰ

  23. 避免反式脂肪——也就是在人造黄油,酥油和许多烘烤食品中发现的氢化脂肪。

    Avoid trans fats - hydrogenated fats found in margarine , shortening , and many baked goods .

  24. 这种类型的脂肪是通常存在于人造黄油、起酥油、和氢化食用油。

    This type of fat is typically found in margarine , shortening , and hydrogenated cooking oils .

  25. 把西葫芦烤成蛋糕和松饼,用苹果酱代替一些黄油或酥油。

    Bake zucchini into cakes and muffins , and substitute some of the butter or shortening with applesauce .

  26. 含有大量起酥油的;所以很脆弱且容易弄碎或打碎成薄片。

    Containing a large amount of shortening ; therefore tender and easy to crumble or break into flakes .

  27. 中午十二点,尼泊尔。一大群和尚在喝酥油茶。

    A large gathering of monks being served tea mixed with yak butter . 6 PM , France .

  28. 人造黄油、成品油、起酥油,烘焙食品和一些加工食品都含有大量的转化脂肪。

    Margarine , processed oils , shortening , baked goods and some processed foods are all high in trans fats .

  29. 观众朋友们,在您们欣赏美丽风景的同时,我也把最后一碗酥油茶给喝完了。

    Viewer friends , while you were enjoying the sights , I also drank my last bowl of buttered tea .

  30. 她用科瑞牌白色植物起酥油按摩皮肤,对抗皮肤干燥,减少拇囊炎带来的摩擦。

    She rubs her skin with Crisco , the white vegetable shortening , to combat dry skin and reduce friction from bunions .