
  • 网络ordos block
  1. 鄂尔多斯地块重力均衡的地球动力学意义

    Isostatic Gravity study of Ordos block and its geodynamic implications

  2. 鄂尔多斯地块周缘近期地震活动趋势分析

    Analysis on the seismicity trend around the Ordos block

  3. 鄂尔多斯地块和银川盆地中上部地壳Q值结构

    Q-value structure of middle and upper crust in Ordos massif and Yinchuan Basin

  4. 计算结果表明,鄂尔多斯地块地壳内S波非弹性衰减在1Hz处的Q值比地质构造活跃地区的结果要大得多。

    The result shows that : Q value at 1 Hz of S waves in the crust of Ordos Massif is much larger than the result in the geologically active tectonic region .

  5. 鄂尔多斯地块与阿拉善地块间有一个具有拐折结构的剪切变形带,鄂尔多斯地块的西北角和东南缘处于NNW-SSE方向的受拉伸状态。

    Junction zone between the Ordos and Alxa block is a shear zone with sections of variable trend . The northwestern and southeastern marginal region of the Ordos is under NNW SSE extension .

  6. 鄂尔多斯地块地壳内S波衰减特征的研究

    Attenuation of S waves in the crust of Ordos massif

  7. 鄂尔多斯地块早古生代构造格局及演化

    Tectonic Framework and Evolution of Ordos Massif in Early Paleozoic

  8. 鄂尔多斯地块西部南北向拆离滑覆构造

    South-north trending detachment structures in the western ordos block

  9. 鄂尔多斯地块周缘地震活动周期及迁移特性

    Periodicity and migrating characteristics of seismic activity along the margin of Ordos block

  10. 旋卷构造应力场与鄂尔多斯地块周缘断裂系成因探讨

    Discussion on rotational tectonic stress field and the genesis of circum-ordos landmass fault system

  11. 鄂尔多斯地块油区构造演化特征

    The evolutional characteristics of structure of the oil and gas bearing areas in Ordos massif

  12. 用地震矩张量反演的鄂尔多斯地块运动与临汾大地震

    Using Inversion of Seismic Moment Tensor for the Movement of Erdos Block and the Linfen Macroquake

  13. 鄂尔多斯地块运动特征研究

    Motions of the Ordos Block

  14. 鄂尔多斯地块西缘构造带的主要形式是逆冲推覆构造。

    The main type of the west margin tectonics belt of the Ordos massif is characterised by thrust nappe .

  15. 构造力学性质与地震强度的关系&以鄂尔多斯地块及其周边地区为例

    Relation between the features of tectonic mechanics and the earthquake strength & cite an example in Ordos block and its surrounding region

  16. 这种认识可以较好地解释鄂尔多斯地块南北侧断层和东西侧断层旋转方式上的矛盾。

    This opinion can explain the contradiction of the rotation directions of south , north rupture belts and east , west rupture belts .

  17. 分析了鄂尔多斯地块南部和渭河盆地构造的空间分布特征。

    The space distribution characteristics of structures from topography and landform of the south part of Ordos block and Weihe basin are analyzed .

  18. 鄂尔多斯地块南部奥陶系侵蚀面的岩溶地貌及其在找油中的意义

    The Karst Topography Associated With the Erosion Surface of Ordovician Carbonates in Southern Part of the Ordos Massif and its Significance in Exploring for Hydrocarbon

  19. 本文应用形变模拟及重力模拟对鄂尔多斯地块周缘断陷盆地带的各种特征进行了研究。

    This paper deals with the application of deformation simulations and gravity analogy in the study of characteristic formation of graben system in the western part of North China .

  20. 鄂尔多斯地块西南部早古生代为界于秦祁贺三叉裂谷系之秦岭、贺兰裂谷间的大陆边缘。

    The southwestern part of the Ordos Block was a rift continental margin opened to the Qinling and Helan trough of the Qinling-Qilian-Helan three-arm rift system in Early Paleozoic .

  21. 在这种应力场作用下,鄂尔多斯地块存在着反时针扭动趋势,且地块东北边缘同西南边缘的地震相互呼应。

    Under the action of such a stress field , there exists counterclockwise twisting tendency for the Ordos block , and the earthquakes on the northeastern border and the southwestern border of the block each other .

  22. 根据中国历史地震资料及现代地震观察资料,研究了鄂尔多斯地块周缘地震活动时间上的周期性及空间上的某些迁移特性。

    On the basis of historical earthquakes in China and observational data of recent earthquakes , the temporal periodicity and the spatial migration characteristics of seismic activity along margin of Ordos Block has been studied in this paper .

  23. 滑覆面之下的三叠系&中上侏罗统的褶皱变形及顺层剪切是这种滑覆引起的局部构造变形,与鄂尔多斯地块西部发育的典型的东西向逆冲形成明显对比,值得重视。

    Fold deformation as well as bedding shear is the result of local structural deformation caused by the slipping structure , which is obviously contractive to the typical EW trend thrusting in the west of Ordos block and should be paid attention to in research .

  24. 总体而言,一方面在太平洋板块的俯冲和印度&欧亚板块的碰撞挤压作用下,鄂尔多斯活动地块、华南活动地块以及东北亚活动地块的运动状态决定了华北地区表层运动的基本格局。

    In one hand , under the subduction of Pacific slab and the northward indention of India plate , the movement of Ordos active block , South China active block and East-North active block controls the surface movement pattern of North China region .