
  • 网络Okhotsk high
  1. 日本东部附近海域海温异常对鄂霍次克海高压的影响

    Impact of the sea surface temperature anomaly of the east coast of Japan on the development of the Okhotsk High

  2. 鄂霍次克海阻塞高压的建立是造成我省连续性强降水的关键;

    Okhotsk barrage high is the important reason of our province 's rainfall .

  3. 2006年的梅雨期在典型梅雨常见的中高纬度乌拉尔山和鄂霍次克海阻塞高压均未建立,中高纬度高压位于贝加尔湖以西,低纬度副高位置比气候平均稍偏北。

    In the Meiyu season of 2006 , the blocking high located to the west of Baikal Lake , the west Pacific subtropical high was more northward than that in the normal year .