
  1. 智联招聘CEO郭盛在周五的年终晚会上发表了上述观点。

    Guo Sheng , chief executive of Zhaopin Ltd , made the remarks at a year-end ceremony on Friday .

  2. 郭盛还看到了中国经济增速放缓影响工资增长的迹象。

    He also sees signs that the slowdown in China 's growth was denting wage increases . '

  3. 此外,郭盛还补充道。雇主应该将精力更多的放在应聘者的需求上,无论是精神需求还是经济需求。

    Employers should pay more attention to employees demands , both spiritually and financially , Guo added .

  4. 智联招聘公司执行总裁郭盛表示,当前隐藏在中国就业压力下的最大问题是求职者和企业需求之间的不匹配。

    Guo Sheng , CEO of Zhaopin , said the biggest problem underlying the job pressure in China is the mismatch between employers and job seekers .

  5. 智联招聘首席执行官兼董事郭盛称,随着经济的稳定,就业市场第三季度继续改善。

    Guo Sheng , chief executive and director of Zhaopin.com , said the job market in the third quarter continued to improve as the economy steadied .

  6. 智联招聘首席执行官郭盛称,好企业的核心激励机制并非薪酬,而是受尊重程度、培训和自我实现。

    Guo Sheng , CEO of Zhaopin.com , said the core incentive mechanism at a good company is not the salary but the level of respect , training and self-fulfillment .

  7. 招聘网站智联招聘(zhaopin.com)的首席执行长郭盛说,其网站上所发布工作机会的增速正在急剧放缓,从2011年的77%下降到了2012年的17%。

    Guo Sheng , the chief executive officer of recruitment website Zhaopin.com , said that growth in the number of jobs advertised on the website had slowed sharply , from 77 % growth in 2011 to 17 % growth in 2012 . '