
  1. 轮渡上专门为新人和嘉宾铺设了红地毯,船两侧都是王楠和郭斌的大幅结婚照片。

    Ferried has laid down the red carpet for the new person and the honored guest , the ship both sides is specially Wang Nan and Guo Bin 's large marriage picture .

  2. 王楠身穿抹胸式白色婚纱与郭斌搭乘移动式舞台出场,甜蜜浪漫让在场嘉宾羡慕不已。

    Wang Nan wears the stomacher type white nuptial dress and Guo Bin travels by the mobile stage to enter the stage , lets the honored guest on the scene envy romantically happily .