
  • 网络Adjacency matrix;Adjacent Matrix;adjacency matrices
  1. 伴随于G的另一个矩阵是邻接矩阵。

    Another matrix associated with G is the adjacency matrix .

  2. 设G,H是2个正则图或强正则图,那么G,H的强积图的秩就是它们的邻接矩阵的秩。

    Let G , H be regular graphs and strongly regular graphs , then the rank of strong product graphs is the rank of the adjacency matrix .

  3. 图G的邻接矩阵的特征根称为G的特征根。

    The eigenvalue of adjacent matrix of graph G is called its eigenvalue .

  4. 一个基于图邻接矩阵模型的多跳adhoc网络路由协议及网络性能分析

    A Multi-Hop Graph Adjacent Matrix Model Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks and Capacity Analysis

  5. 树的邻接矩阵和Laplacian矩阵谱半径的新下界

    New Lower Bounds on the Spectral Radius of Adjacency Matrices and Laplacian Matrices of Trees

  6. 根据分子的图形特征,以邻接矩阵为基础,建构新的基团染色指数mR,以表征酯分子的大小和分支的情况。

    A novel group dyeing index mR based on the adjacent matrix , which can be used to characterize the size and branching for esters gas , was derived dealed with the feature of molecule graph .

  7. 谱图理论主要是对邻接矩阵和Laplacian矩阵矩阵的代数性质和组合性质进行研究。

    Spectral graph theory is mainly about the study on the algebraic properties of adjacency matrix and Laplacian matrix .

  8. 对以邻接矩阵为存储结构的图进行DFS和BFS遍历。

    Adjacency matrix of the storage structure of the graph for the DFS and BFS traversals .

  9. 在研究过程中,首先,通过引入全球定位系统(GPS)获取了无线激光通信网络中移动节点的地理位置,设计了一种节点的邻接矩阵来动态更新网络中节点的拓扑。

    Global Position System ( GPS ) technology was brought into mobile wireless optical networks to acquire the geographical position of nodes and design an adjacent matrix of nodes to update the network topology dynamically .

  10. 在邻接矩阵基础上,提出一种新的原子生物活性特征值αi,由αi建构结构信息指数G,将其用于苯砜基乙酸酯类化合物对大型蚤急性毒性的研究。

    On the basis of α I , a novel characteristic value of bioactivity for atom I , a structure information index has been developed for research on acute toxicity of phenylsulfonyl acetates to daphnia magna .

  11. 本文中我们用等秩变换证明了连通图G的所有生成树的邻接矩阵的秩中最大者就是图G线独立数的两倍。

    In this Paper it is Proved by the rank transformation that maximum rank of the adjacent matrixes of all spanning trees of a connected graph G is twice the line independence number of the graph G.

  12. 推论:若图G的相关简单图GR的邻接矩阵的行列式不为0,则图G必是Hamilton图。

    His inference is that Graph G is sure to be Hamilton Graph if the row formula of adjacency matrix of the simple Graph G R related to Graph G is not zero .

  13. 二是分子拓扑图邻接矩阵衍生的分子连接性指数(mtvχ)。

    Another is the molecular connectivity index ( ~ m χ ~ v___t ) derived from adjacent matrix based on molecular topological graph .

  14. 设G为n阶简单连通图,若Q(G)为图G的对角矩阵与邻接矩阵的和,称Q(G)为G的拟-Laplacian矩阵。

    Let G be a simple connected graph with n vertices . The matrix Q ( G ) is called the quasi-Laplacian matrix of G , if it is the sum of the diagonal matrix and the adjacency matrix of G.

  15. 另外通过用邻接矩阵表示IPT小组的组织视图和资源视图与其它模型的关系。

    In addition , the relationship of organization view and resources view in IPT group with other models is represented by adjacency matrices .

  16. 在80年代,图论的新的发展使得人们清晰地认识到,Laplace矩阵的特征值和特征向量比较邻接矩阵能够更自然地进入应用理论领域。

    New developments in the 1980s made it clear that eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the related Laplace matrices of graphs enter the theory in several applications more naturally than those of adjacency matrices .

  17. 在分子图的邻接矩阵基础上,定义新的边价连接性指数(mF)及其逆指数(mF′)。

    Based on the adjacency matrix of molecular graph , the new edge valence connectivity index () ~ mF and it 's athwart index () ~ mF ′ were defined in this paper .

  18. 根据Brep实体表示法,构造形状向量邻接矩阵(FVAM)以表达零件几何形状,并给出了基于FVAM的工艺实例模型形式化定义;

    A model of Form Vector Adjacent Matrix ( FVAM ) is built upon boundary representation ( B-rep ) to represent geometry of parts .

  19. 对Fuzzy有向图定义了邻接矩阵,并通过对邻接矩阵幂的讨论,探讨了Fuzzy有向图中从有向途径中分离有向路的条件,有向圈及有向Hamilton圈存在的条件。

    The adjacency matrix of a Fuzzy digraph is defined . The condition Separating directed path from directed walk is studied , and the existing condition of directed cycle and directed Hamilton cycle in Fuzzy Digraph are studied by discussing the power of the adjacency matrix .

  20. 根据OSA最优方程组中变量之间的系数是否为0或通过设定阈值可以客观地确定邻接矩阵。

    Accurate adjacency matrix can be obtained objectively by the coefficients in the OSA models , e.g. by whether they are zero , or by a given threshold value .

  21. 采用两种不同的方式实现文本串邻接矩阵,导出了两种基于邻接矩阵的新型全文索引模型,即基于邻接矩阵的倒排文件和基于邻接矩阵的PAT数组。

    Two approaches are proposed to implement the adjacency matrix of text string , which leads to two new full-text indexing models , i.e. , adjacency matrix based inverted file and adjacency matrix based PAT array .

  22. 定义包含成键原子多种结构信息的色谱点价(iδR),在邻接矩阵的基础上构建新的连接性指数(mT),并计算112种有机分子的0T1、T值。

    Chromatogram point value (δ ~ R_i ) of bonding atom I containing many structural information is defined in this paper . On the basis of molecular adjacency matric and δ ~ R_i , a new connectivity index ( ~ mT ) has been developed .

  23. 在分子图邻接矩阵的基础上提出了1个新的基团染色指数mX,该指数易于计算,有较高的结构差异区分能力。

    A new group dyeing index , ~ mX , was proposed in this paper . This index , which was very easy to calculate and also had a good discrimination ability for structure difference .

  24. 提出了一个新的原子点价δdi,并在分子图的邻接矩阵的基础上,由δdi建构新的连接性指数mXD及其逆指数mXD′。

    On the basis of adjacency matrix , a novel connectivity indexes of mXD and its converse index mXD ′ were constructed from an approved new atomic valence δ di .

  25. 其中邻接矩阵法用于评价C4ISR系统之间的互连互通性,对于评价规模较大、结构复杂的系统结构较为适用;

    The adjacency matrix is used to evaluate the connectivity among the C ~ 4ISR systems , which is very applicable for the huge and complicated system structure .

  26. 论文还提出了一种基于复用频率的PCI自配置算法,算法通过网络邻接矩阵求解基站的配置顺序,再按照顺序配置复用频率最低的PCI,使复用干扰平均化。

    This paper also presents a PCI reuse frequency based algorithm , the allocation order is determined by calculating the network adjacency matrix , and the PCI with minimum reuse frequency will be allocated to the eNB in order , to even the PCI deployment .

  27. 讨论了基于互测PMC模型的系统级故障诊断的矩阵方法,定义了测试矩阵和邻接矩阵,由此能直观、简便地生成集团本文为系统级故障诊断的集团算法打下了准备

    This paper discusses matrix method in system-level fault diagnosis of PMC model based on ex-test It defines test matrix and adjacency matrix , hence we can generate node group directly and promptly This paper makes preparations for node grouping algorithms in system-level fault diagnosis

  28. 本文对基于两视图的图像匹配算法进行了较为系统的研究,主要包括:基于极几何约束和单应约束的图像匹配、基于颜色和邻接矩阵的图像匹配、基于Laplacian矩阵的图像匹配。

    The systematic research on the algorithm of images matching based on two views is addressed in this dissertation , which includes images matching based on epipolar and homography constraints , images matching based on color and adjacency matrix , images matching based on Laplacian matrix .

  29. 在聚类分配阶段,首先利用核矩阵提供的信息对数据点进行初始分类,然后用计算初始类的中心点集上的邻接矩阵代替经典SVC算法中计算整个数据集上的邻接矩阵。

    In cluster assignment phase , we first make use of the kernel matrix to preliminarily classify the data points and calculate the center of each preliminary classification . Then calculate the adjacency matrix on the set of center points instead of calculating the one on the whole data set .

  30. 在分子图的距离矩阵和邻接矩阵基础上对润滑油馏分正构烷烃分子的拓扑指数进行了计算,并以Balaban中心指数的计算为例进行说明。

    The topological indexes of lube fraction n-alkanes based on distance matrix and adjacency matrix in molecular digrams were computed . The example cited was the calculation of Balaban Centric Index .