
  • 网络commuter train;commuter rail
  1. 她在拥挤的通勤列车上不小心踩到了他的脚。

    She accidentally stepped on his foot on a crowded commuter train

  2. 昨天康涅狄格州发生通勤列车相撞事故,目前仍有三人伤势严重。

    Three people are remaining critical condition from yesterday commuter train crush in Connecticut .

  3. 一列通勤列车在等待一个地下的平台Osterley站伦敦西部。

    A commuter awaits an underground train on the platform at Osterley station in west London .

  4. 铁路运营商Arriva公司的发言人TomasHedenius表示,这名女子出生在1990年,在斯德哥尔摩市郊的一处车站偷走了一列4厢通勤列车。

    Tomas Hedenius , a spokesman for train operator Arriva , said the woman , born in 1990 , stole the four-car train at a depot outside Stockholm .

  5. 临时伦敦人乘坐的火车本身就将充当事实上的办公室:与郊区通勤列车完全不同的是,欧洲之星(Eurostar)、法国TGV高速列车和大力士高速列车(Thalys)可以保证你有一个座位和一张折叠桌板。

    The trains that carry occasional Londoners will themselves act as de facto offices : the Eurostar , French TGVs and Thalys , in utter contrast to suburban commuting trains , guarantee you a seat and a fold-out table .

  6. 这些通勤列车上相当拥挤。

    It can be pretty crowded on these commuter trains .

  7. 这班通勤列车是以电驱动的。

    This commuter train runs on electricity .

  8. 公共场所打盹的情况,在通勤列车上尤其常见,不管里面有多拥挤;

    Sleeping in public is especially prevalent on commuter trains , no matter how crowded ;

  9. 两名搬运工在旧金山东北部地区被汽车服务中心的通勤列车撞死。

    Northeast of San Francisco , two transit workers were struck and killed by an auto service commuter train .

  10. 周五,一辆通勤列车在巴黎附近发生事故,造成6人死亡,轨道故障可能是引发事故的原因。

    A faulty track is the probable cause of a commuter train accident near Paris Friday , which killed six people .

  11. 芝加哥一辆通勤列车撞上了市中心的邮局,据报道共14名乘客在这起事故中受轻伤。

    Fourteen commuters in Chicago suffered what were reported as minor injuries when a commuter train struck a post downtown station .

  12. 随着一位联邦调解员宣布一个新的工会合同谈判取得进展,旧金山港湾区的通勤列车将于周二开始运行。

    San Francisco Bay Area commuter trains will run Tuesday as a federal mediator reports progross in talks over a new union contract .

  13. 然而,这趟列车不得不与各种列车共用这条繁忙的铁路线,从郊区短途火车、通勤列车,到长途快速列车。

    It has to share the busy route , however , with everything from rural local trains to commuter services to long-distance express locomotives .

  14. 他表示目前还不清楚她是如何拿到火车钥匙的,但他也表示这种通勤列车的驾驶操作并不复杂。

    He said it 's unclear how she got the keys to the train , but added that driving it is not that complicated .

  15. 布吕克举了个例子,当访问印度的德国工程师们发现孟买严重超载的通勤列车没有车门时,简直惊呆了。

    He tells of how visiting German engineers , for example , have been aghast to discover that Mumbai 's overloaded commuter trains have no doors .

  16. 今天,美国众议院全体人员为在周日纽约通勤列车出轨事件中的受难者进行了默哀。

    The U.S. House of Representatives paused for a moment of silence today to honor the victims of Sunday 's commuter train derailment in New York City .

  17. 一辆早高峰通勤列车在城市西部的两个站台之间突然刹车,造成了多人受伤,部分伤员伤势严重。

    Scores were injured , some seriously , when a packed commuter train braked abruptly between stations in the west of the city in the morning rush hour .

  18. 昨天,一辆通勤列车在巴黎附近脱轨,官员计划用起重机将毁坏的列车拉离轨道。

    Officials are planning to use a powerful crane to start lifting smashed train cars off the railway line after a commuter train derailed near Paris last night .

  19. 瑞典官员称,斯德哥尔摩郊外一名女子偷走了一列空的通勤列车,列车出轨后撞入了一栋居民楼。

    A woman stole an empty commuter train from a depot and drove it to a suburb of Stockholm where it derailed and slammed into an apartment building , officials said .